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Faculty Details


Dr. R. Devi

Earned Degree/Diploma

M.Tech, Ph.D

Current Designation

Assistant Professor


Information Technology

Contact Phone Number


Email (Official Preferred)


Orcid ID -



Papers published in International Journals:


1. R. Devi, R. Shanmugalakshmi, “Design of frame work for cloud provider’s selection based on user requirement and trust” International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR),vol. 01, Issue 5, pp. 313-317, 2016.

2.R. Devi, R. Shanmugalakshmi, “Distributed Denial Of Service Attacks Identifying using Ford Fulkerson Algorithm in Cloud”, International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science (IJATES), vol. 05, Issue 01, pp. 48 – 57, 2017.

3. R Devi, R Shanmugalakshmi, "Cloud providers ranking and selection using quantitative and qualitative approach", International Journal of Computer Communications, vol. 154, pp. 370-379, 2020.

4. R. Devi, R. Shanmugalakshmi, "Design of trust identification system for cloud services", Int. J. Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 37 (4), pp. 218 -226, 2021

5. R. Devi, "IPSHO-Fed: a hybrid federated learning and spotted hyena optimization approach for trust assessment",, vol. 36, pp. 5571–5594, 2024


International Conference Publications:

1. R. Dhivya, R. Devi, R. Shanmugalakshmi, “Parameters and methods used to evaluate cloud service providers: A Survey”, International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), pp. 1 - 5, 2016.

2. R. Devi, R. Dhivya, R. Shanmugalakshmi, "Secured Service Provider selection methods in Cloud", Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS), vol. 01, pp. 1-5, 2016.

3. R. Devi, R. Shanmugalakshmi, “Distributed Denial Of Service Attacks Identifying using Ford Fulkerson Algorithm in Cloud”, International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Science and Management (ICRTESM), pp. 262-271,2017.

4. R Devi, R Shanmugalakshmi, "Trust model for cloud providers using Linear equations", International Conference on Recent Trends in Advance Computing (ICRTAC),

IEEE, pp. 7-13, 2019.

5. R Devi, V. Gopalakrishnan, “Up-link / Down-link availability calculation in Cloud services using Ford Fulkerson Algorithm”, 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security and Computational Models, PSG College of Technology, 16-18 December 2021.

Books/ Chapter:

1.Devi, R., Gopalakrishnan, V. (2022). Up-Link/Down-Link Availability Calculation in Cloud Using Ford Fulkerson Algorithm. In: Raman, I., Ganesan, P., Sureshkumar, V., Ranganathan, L. (eds) Computational Intelligence, Cyber Security and Computational Models. Recent Trends in Computational Models, Intelligent and Secure Systems. ICC3 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1631. Springer, Cham.



1. Funded Project guided:

Smart Prevention and Recovery of child from deep borewell using IOT - Funded by tamilnadu state government (Student Project Proposal) in 2018 - Amount Rs. 10000


2. Short term courses/FDP/Workshops attended:

1Open Solaris workshopSun Microsystems held at SRM University06.03.2008-1
2FDP on Teaching software Engineering through casesAlpha College of Engineering, Chennai29.04.201030.04.20102
3Certificate in JAVA ProgrammingICT Academy of Tamilnadu, D.G Vaishnav College19.11.201026.11.20108
4Workshop on Gid ComputingCentre for Advanced Computing Research and Education & Dept. of CT, MIT, Anna University, Chennai.07.02.201111.02.20115
5FDP on Free/ Open Source SoftwareComputer Centre, MIT, Anna University16.02.201119.02.20114
6e-Learning for Engineering EducatorsDept. of CT, CACRE(MIT, Anna University) in collaboration with University of Manitoba, Canada24.06.201125.06.20112
7FDTP on Cryptography and Network SecurityCenter for Faculty Development, MIT, Anna University, Chennai17.12.201123.12.20117
8Intel Embedded Initiative faculty trainingDept. of IST, CEG Anna University, Chennai20.01.201221.01.20122
9Recent Trends in Cloud ComputingDept. of CT, MIT, Anna University, Chennai22.03.201225.03.20124
10Pedagogy and Professional communicationDept.of English GCT(TEQIP-II)22.5.1328.5.137
11Strategies for effective student- teacher interactionDept. of humanities GCT(TEQIP-II)
12Research issues in named data networkingDept.of CSE and IT GCT(AICTE)17.6.1330.6.1314
13Data Structure using OOPSAnna University- Chennai(TEQIP-II)15.7.1319.7.135
14Research issues in Web Mining and Information RetrivalDept.of CSE and IT GCT(AICTE)
15Research issues in Cloud ComputingDept.of CSE and IT GCT(AICTE)18.11.1329.11.1312
16Quality improvement cell workshopGCT23.1.14_



17Research MethodologySEED, ISTE, Residency Towers – Chennai27.1.1429.1.143
18Tools and Technologies for Cloud Computing and Big DataDept.of IT, Thiagarajar College of Engg, Madurai,TEQIP5.
19Computer NetworkingIIT, Bombay ISTE28.
20Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering.educationIIT, Bombay12.
21Facilitation skills for teachersGCT, Worldwide education5.
22Building Amazon Web Services compatible private cloud and developing mobile,Web based applicationsKPR institute of engg, NASSCOM24.9.1525.9.152
23Short course on python programmingIIITM, Kerala2.
24Open Source TechnologiesPSG college of tech, TEQIP(II)22.8.1628.8.165
25Cloud ComputingNITTTR, Bopal MHRD26.9.1630.9.165
26Nano sensor Design, Principles and ApplicationsIIT, Hydrabad, TEQIP3.
27 Cybercrime Analysis and malware researchK7 Computing28.02.201703.03.20175
28 NPTEL - Introduction to Modern Application DevelopmentIIT, MadrasJuly 2017Sep 20178 weeks
29workshop on NBA and NAAC AccreditationEngineering staff college of India, Hyderabad



30NPTEL - Computer Networks and Internet protocolIIT - KharagpurJuly 2018Oct 201812 weeks
31NPTEL - The Joy of Computing Using PythonIIT - MadrasJuly 2018Oct 201812 weeks
32Teqip III review meeting (SPIU)Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai07.01.19-1
33NPTEL - Privacy and Security in Online Social mediaIIIT - DelhiJan 2019Apr 201912 weeks
34NPTEL - Cloud computingIIT - KharagpurFeb 2019Apr 20198 weeks
35Web Based Academic MISBVB's Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai08.04.2019 1
36NPTEL - Python for Data ScienceIIT - MadrasAug 2019Sep 20194 weeks
37NPTEL - Programming Data Structures and Algorithms using PythonIIT - MadrasJul 2019Sep 20198 weeks
38Work - Life BalanceWomen Empowerment Cell, GCT, Coimbatore05.08.2019 1
39Workshop on Outcome based Education and NBA AccrediationIT/GCT, Coimbatore13.08.201914.08.20192
40Cyber SecurityIT/GCT, Coimbatore26.08.201930.08.20195
41Advanced Teaching-Learning, Accreditation, Sponsored Research, IPR and EntrepreneurshipESCI - Hyderabad09.09.201913.09.20195
42Intellectual Property RightsGCT - Coimbatore27.09.2019 1
43Big Data ComputingIT/GCT, Coimbatore09.12.201913.12.20195
44Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP)GCT - Coimbatore27.01.202001.02.20206
45Research Challenges in Signal and Image processingGCT - Coimbatore17.02.202001.03.202014
46Online FDP on Design, Develop and Deliver online course through MOODLE platformSPIU, CIT - Coimbatore23.04.202024.04.20202
47Online training on mathematical skills for Competitive examsRaja Doraisingam Government Arts College - Sivagangai25.05.202031.05.20207
48e-Quize on "Python ProgrammingDept. of CSE, University College of Engineering, Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu.16.06.2020-1
49Workshop on Holistic Lifestyle ManagementIT/GCT - Coimbatore15.06.202019.06.20205
50TEQIP III Webinar on "E- Resources for Teaching, Learning and Research" (IQAC)GCT - Coimbatore01.07.2020-1
51Online workshop on Teach 2 Influence (IQAC)GCT, Coimbatore11.07.2020, 18.07.2020 and 25.07.2020 3 days
 Introduction to Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental Science and Engineering Department - IIT Bombay15.07.202024.07.2020 2 weeks
53Benefits of ScienceDirect platform & Live Demo starts in 1 hourScience Direct Elseivier - 8, 2020 1 hour - 3.00pm
54One day webinar on Digital Teaching - How to handle effective online classroomIQAC, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore11.08.2020-1 day
55Webinar on Traditional foods and flavours: Discovering the hidden TreasureIBT, GCT, Coimbatore12.08.202014.08.20203 days
56Induction program to create awareness and utilization of LMSTalent Sprint - center of excellance01/08/2020 1 day
57Webinar on Women Empowerment Through Legal ProtectionWomen Empowerment Cell, GCT, Coimbatore22.02.2021 1 day
58Product Development Workshop on Soap Making ProcessIBT, GCT, Coimbatore10.03.2021 1 day
59COU-MN7417: ModernApps Ninja 101ModernApps Ninja Learning Platform, online, days
60modernapps COU-TI4267 Certificate Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 101ModernApps Ninja Learning Platform, online, days
61OpenStack EssentialsUdemy, online course - month
62Yoga Quiz - CompetitionInternational Yoga day - 2021, organized by NCC Raja Doraisingam Government Arts College, Karaikudi21.06.2021 1 day
63Online Elementary FDP on "Data SciencesAICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy & NATIONAL POWER TRAINING INSTITUTE(SOUTHERN REGION) - No: ATAL/2021/162833578109/08/2021 13/08/20215 days
64Workshop on Embedded Systems - An Application Driven ApproachAICTE (ATAL) Academy, STMicroelectronics and ARM Education.25.08.202127.08.20213 days
65online webinar on "New Education Policy: Regulation and curricula Reforms"IQAC, GCT, Coimbatore24.09.2021-1 day
66online workshop of Agile Methodologies - TCS workshopFor students of 3rd and 2nd year and the Faculties of IT and CSE28.09.2021 1 day
67Online workshop on Design and Implementation of Curriculam as per NEP 2020 Influence (IQAC)IQAC, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore29.09.20211.10.20212 days
68QIP short term course on - Cyber Security for next generation technologies: challenges and solutionsAICTE, IIITDM, Kancheepuram, Chennai.07.03.202212.03.20221 week
69Webinar - Uukamathu Kaividale.Internal Quality Assurance Cell - Women Empowerment cell, GCT, Coimbatore08.03.2022-1 day
70Designing and Modelling of IoT, AI and ML SystemsOrganized by AICTE, ATAL, ARM Education and STMicroelectronics01.08.202205.08.20225 days
71Computational Mathematics Using R and MATLABOrganized by FDTC association with Dept. of Maths, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai10.10.202214.10.20225 days
72Capacity Building Program – Innovation MentorOrganized by Forge Innovation and Ventures, in association with StatupTN and DOTE12.12.202216.12.20225 days
73NPTEL - Data Analytics with pythonby IIT RookeeJan 2023April 202312 weeks
74NPTEL - Google Cloud Computing FoundationsBy IIT KharagpurAug 2023Oct 20238 weeks
75FDP on Cyber Attacks and DefenceC-DAC Noida, supported by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India5th Aug 20249th Aug 20241 week
76FDP on Full Stack JavaSkillDzire, collaboration with AICTE  03 Sep 202404 Oct 20241 month


3. Industrial Training attended:

S. NoTopicOrganizer/ VenueFromToNo. of Days
1Three weeks industrial Trainning on Communication and Networking TechnologiesBSNL - Online mode30.06.202020.07.202021
2Industrial Training on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - A Project based Learning ApproachNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL TEACHERS TRAINING AND RESEARCH SECTOR 26, CHANDIGARH22/07/202002/08/20202 weeks
3Industrial Training Programme on Building
Modern Apps & Deploying on VMware Tanzu Application Service

SmartBridge Educational Service Pvt Ltd in association with VMware IT Academy

certificate ID - PB-VTB-2021-0025

4Industrial Externship program on  Android Application
Development using Kotlin. Certificate ID: Ext-Web-2022-13361.
SmartInternz in collaboration with National Educational Alliance for Technology18.06.202218.07.202230 days
5Google Supported Educator Development Program on "Android Basics in kotlin". in collaboration with AICTE and supported by Google Developers19.07.202219.08.202231 days
6Cloud computing Faculty Training Programorganized by Veranda, Edureka in association with TN Government, TN Skill Development Corporation and Naan Mudhalvan 26.10.2022-1 day
7Mentor/ Evaluator - Experimental Project Based LearningAnna University and ITeS SSC nasscom03/01/202303/04/20233 months
8Training on Virtual Faculty Buildathon Cloud APP Development With Red hat OpenshiftIBM Skills Build24 Jul 202304 Aug 20232 weeks

4. Organized Courses

 TopicTo whomFromToNo. of Days
1Workshop on Outcome based Education and NBA AccrediationFaculties of GCT, GCT Mentee institutions and  other AICTE approved institutions13.08.201914.08.20192
2Student Excellence and Learning Program (SELP) - Art of LivingStudents of IT department20.01.202025.01.20206
3workshop on Holistic Life time ManagementFaculties of GCT, GCT Mentee institutions and  other AICTE approved institutions15.06.202019.06.20205
4Co - Coordinator for the Online workshop on Teach 2 Influence (IQAC)Faculties of GCT, GCT Mentee institutions and  other AICTE approved institutions11.07.2020, 18.07.2020 and 25.07.2020 3 days
5.Coordinator for online workshop of Agile MethodologiesFor students of 3rd and 2nd year and the Faculties of IT and CSE28.09.2021 1 day
6.Co - Coordinator for Online workshop on Design and Implementation of Curriculam as per NEP 2020 Influence (IQAC)IQAC, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore29.09.20211.10.20212 days
7.Cloud Essentials (Naan Muthalvan cource)For students of 3rd year students of ECE, E&I, IT and CSE, GCT07.11.2022
8.Naalaiya Thiran -Project based LearningFor students of Final year IT, GCT2.09.202221.11.202276
9.Work Shop on Java - The industry perspectiveFor 3rd year IT students, GCT02.09.2023-1


5. Session Chair / Resource Person / Technical discussion / Jury

 Role & TopicConference / FDP/ seminar/ Workshop/ CoursevenueDate
1Handling Classes for Mentee intitution Jagdalpur - PHP3 days classIT dept/ GEC- Jagdalpur07.03.2018 - 09.03.2018
1Session Chair - Cloud and IOTInternational Conference on Recent Developments in EngineeringDhaanish Ahmed Institute of Technology07.04.2018
2Guest lecture - Essentials of algorithms in effective  ProgrammingSeminar for first year studentsSri Krishna Arts and Science College14.09.2018
3Expert lecture - Innovation in teaching learning processInternational SymposiumGEC - Jagdalpur7th to 9th Feb 2019
4Resource Person - CO, PO attainment calculation and MappingWorkshop on Outcome based Education and NBA AccrediationIT/GCT - Coimbatore14.08.2019
5Chairperson - Information TechnologyChairpersons of Board of Studies, TamilNadu State Council for Higher EducationLady Willingdon College Campus, Kamarajar Salai, Chennai.01.11.2019
5Resource Person - Introduction to Machine Learning Process2 weeks FDP on Machine LearningTLC/GCT - Coimbatore02.03.2020
6Resource Person - Layered architecture of Cloud, deployment models and NIST cloud architecture15 days FDP on Cloud ComputingOnline18.06.2020
7Technical person - LMS system for the whole campusBest Practices in Technical EducationOnline - GCT, Coimbatore24.07.2020
8Jury - The Luminous SparkIdeathon held in commemoration of National Students Day by Rotaract Club of GCT coimbatore05.10.202115.10.2021
9Resource Person - Web Application Development, Flutter , Flutter Navigation5 days FDP on Fullstack Development10.07.202314.07.2023
10Resource Person - Full Stack
Development using Python
 5 days FDP on "Web
Scraping and Full Stack Development ” organized
by the Department of Information Technology", SRM Valliammai, Kattankullathur
02. 01. 2024 06. 01. 2024
11Resource person - "Deep learning using Pytorch"5 Days FDP on "Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Recent Trends and Applications" August 19, 2024 August 23, 2024

6. Administrative responsibilities:


  1. IT Department NBA Coordinator (from 2016 to till date)
  2. IT Department BOS member (from 2013 to till date)
  3. Programme Coordinator for IT Department (from 2016 to June 2020)
  4. NAAC coordinator for IT Department (from 2016 to september 2021)
  5. TEQIP coorddinator for IT Department (from 2016 to till date)
  6. DOTE website designing team member (from 2016 to till date)
  7. Scrutiny of Applications for MBA/ MCA admissions
  8. Swayam Prabha coordinator from 2018 to till date
  9. IT department grivances redressal committee member (from 2019 to till date)
  10. IQAC department Co-Coordinator (from 2019 to till date)
  11. IT department BOS member for TNSCHE (from 2019 to till date)
  12. Department Consultative Committee menber (from 2019 to till date)
  13. GCT Environment Management Plan committee member (from 2019 to till date)
  14. Faculty advisor for the IT batch 2019-2023
  15. IT department grivances redressal committee member (from 2019 to till date)
  16. IT department Purchase Committe Member
  17. IT department MoU coordinator
  18. IT department coordinator for GCT website
  19. Coding club advisor for GCT
  20. Incharge of Cloud computing /Server lab
  21. IT department Internship Evaluation panel Member
  22. IT Depatment Association Incharge from 2023 July
  23. BOS Member for Faculty of computer Science and Engineering and Information Technology, United Institute of Technology( Anna University),  from 13.05.2024 to 12.052026
  24. UMIS Nodal officer for GCT from 2023 to till date

7. Membership

  1. IEEE - podhigai subsection member - 2016 - 93493551
  2. IAENG membership - International Association of Engineers - 2019 - 252417
  3. Cloud Computing, IEEE Computer Society Technical Community on- 2022- 93493551
  4. ISTE life time Membership – 2023 – Member no. 136439

8. Specialized Course Certification

  1. Advanced Diploma in JAVA Programming
  2. CCNA 1 Networking Basis
  3. CCNA 2 Routers and Routing Basics
  4. CCNA 3 Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing
  5. CCNA 4 WAN Technologies

9. Video Lectures


    15. Database Injection -  Dec 2023 -

    16. Python Introduction - Feb 2024 -

    17. Python IDLE - Feb2024 -

    18. cloud computing Introduction - Feb 2024 -


10. Purchase officer:

  1. State fund purchase( January 2019)- Toner for the printers (kyocera - ecosysFS - 6025 MFP, HP laser Jet M1005, HP Laser Jet 1015, Toshiba e-studio 2508A)
  2. TEQIP III purchace(September 2019) - Cloud Computing lab (1 - tower workstation(3.6Ghz Intel Xeon quad core...), 7 - Desktop(core i7 processor))
  3. TEQIP III purchace(November 2019) - LED TV with setup box (Swayam Probha channel )
  4. State fund purchase- Headphones and Webcams (Feb 2022)

11. Awards received:

      1. Best paper award in B.Tech at Sethu Institute of Technology, Kariapatti, Virudhunagar.

      2. Gold medalist in M.Tech at SRM University, Kattankulathur 2009.

      3. Certificate of Appreciation from Academic Awards Ceremony, GCT Coimbatore, year 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2018-2019.

      4. Best paper Award from International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering, Science and Management (ICRTESM), NITTTR Chandigarh, Jan-2017

      5. Received star performer T- Shirt and Certificate (Dec 2019) from NPTEL - IIT Madras - 2021

      6. Received Asia Amritapuri First Round Online Programming Contest ICPC - July 2021

      7. Winner of ideathon in Faculty Workshop on Embedded Systems-An application driven approach organized by Arm Education, AICTE and STMicroelectronics, August -2021

      8. SDAT 2022-2023 II Price for chess 20.02.2023

12. MoU 

  1. Voice over artist for Core Spring fundamentals in Tamil, GUVI Geek Network Pvt Ltd, IITM Research park - chennai. from 25/10/23 to 25/11/23
  2.  Reviewer Tamil for Docker course , GUVI Geek Network Pvt Ltd, IITM Research park - chennai. from 30/08/2024 to 30/09/2024.


13. Outside world Interaction

  1. MAD - Morden Application Development,  IIT Madras BS Degree course instructor from Dec 2021 to Dec 2022.
  2. Introduction to Python,  IIT Madras BS Degree course instructor from Jan 2023 to Aug 2023.  
  3. TNPSE - Computer science and Engineering updation of question bank from 23/07/2024 to 25/07/2024