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Faculty Details



Earned Degree/Diploma

M.Tech., MISTE,

Current Designation

Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)


Electronics & Instrumentation Engg

Contact Phone Number

9486667439, 8870641501

Email (Official Preferred)



Qualification :

S.NoDegreeSpecializationInstitute Duration
1Ph.D Optimization Techniques in Piezo Elelectric Energy Harvesting SystemAnna UniversityPursuing
2  M.Tech Process Control and Instrumentation  NIT, Trichy   2004- 2006
 3  B.E Instrumentation and Control Engg  AKCE, Madurai Kamaraj University  1995- 1999


Experience :

sl.noCollege Position HeldFromTo
1.GCT, CoimbatoreAssistant Professor (Senior)/EIE05.04.2018Till Date
GCT, CoimbatoreAssistant Professor / EIE05.04.201304.04.2018
2Karunya University, CoimbatoreAssistant Professor / EIE10.06.2011 28.11.2012
3Karpagam College of Engg, CoimbatoreAssistant Professor / EEE09.08.201009.06.2011
4Tamilnadu College of Engg, Coimbatore Sr. Lecturer / ICE22.01.200707.08.2010
5Bharath Niketan Engg College, Aundipatty Lecturer / EIE10.06.200031.07.2004


Achievements :

  1. BoG member- Dr. NGP institute of technology, Coimbatore during 2019 -2021
  2. Subject Expert for Board of Studies, EIE dept,  Hindustan College of Engg, Coimbatore during 2016-2018.
  3. Internal BoS member, EIE dept, GCT, Coimbatore from 2013 onwards. ( Department Co-Ordinator)
  4. Dept NBA co-ordinator during 2014-2021. Got NBA accreditation -  Tier I for 2 years (2016-2018)
  5. Secretary, Student's Co-Operative Society, GCT from 2021 onwards

Memberships in societies:

  1. IEEE member
  2. ISTE Life member
  3. ISOI Life member
  4. IAENG Life member
  5. ISRD member

Papers published:

  1. C.Marimuthu, Radhika GR, " Industrial Boiler tank process Automation ",CRD journal , Vol 24, issue 8, Aug 2024
  2. C.Marimuthu, Radhika GR, " CNN BASED INTELLIGENT HAND GESTURE TO SPEECH CONVERSION FOR PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED PEOPLE",journal of Technology, Vol12, issue 7,Pg.553-562, July 2024 (UGC care II journal)
  3. Marimuthu C, Deepak Kumar M, Santhasivam A, Thivagarmurugan V, "CONTROL TECHNIQUES FOR HYDRAULIC PITCH AND YAW ADJUSTMENT IN WIND TURBINES USING GRAPHIC SYSTEM DESIGN", Journal of Technology, Vol12, Pg.421-431, February 2024 (UGC care II journal)
  6. Jayashree S. Awati, Mahesh Kumbhar, C. Marimuthu, and J. Jayakumar, "Brain Tumor Classification and Identification using PSOand ANFIs" International Journal ofElectrical and Electronics Research (IJEER)Open Access Volume 11, Issue 4 | Pages 1039-1043 | e-ISSN: 2347-470X,Nov 2023
  7. Marimuthu C, Poovizhi S, Subaranjani P, "Levy PSO and GREY Wolf Optimization Techniques of PID Controller Tuning For 2nd Order Temperature Process",International Journal of Engineering Research and Applicationswww.ijera.comISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 13, Issue 4, April 2023, pp. 95-101.
  8. Marimuthu C, Chelliah M, Nithish Kumar R, Prakash R, " Monitoring and Estimation of Phasor Angle of PMUSignals using LabVIEW-DFT Methods"Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Page 2010-15, Jan 2023
  9. C.Marimuthu, Radhika GR, Rithic CH, Narendran S, "Performance Analysis of Three-Phase Boost Cascaded Multi-Level Inverter in Hybrid Microgrid System Using ANN Controller" International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol. 09 Issue 03, March 2022( ISSN (Online) 2348 – 7968 | Impact Factor – 6.72)
  10. C.Marimuthu, Rithic CH, Narendran S,"ECG AND PULSE OXYGEN LEVEL MONITORING AND ARRHYTHMIA CLASSIFICATION USING CNN", International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 8, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 171-176, Dec 2021
  11. C.Marimuthu, M.Chelliah,” Interleaved Coupled Inductor Capacitor Resonant Boost  Converter for Renewable Energy Applications” International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Apr 2017
  12. C.Marimuthu, M.Chelliah,” Real-Time Implementation of Buck-Boost Converter using LABVIEW”, AENSI, Feb 2016.
  13. C.Marimuthu, “Real-Time Implementation of Model Predictive Control for Pressure Process”, ICFTEE,  Jun 2013.

Book Chapters

       1. C.Marimuthu, M.Chelliah, "Research on Real-Time Implementation of Fuzzy Based Buck-Boost Converter Using LabVIEW" " New Ideas Concerning Science and

            Technology,Vol12, 61-69.,2020

       2. C.Marimuthu, M.Chelliah,"Implementation of Standalone Dynamic Solar Array Fed PMSM Drive Using DC-DC Converter for the Reduction of Switching LossesCurrent Approaches in Science and Technology Research, Vol 11. pg 73-81,2021


 Faculty Development Programs conducted:

  1. Co-ordinated IQAC-sponsored webinar on "NAAC-Accreditation-Metrics Driven Methodology- An Overview” on 09.10.2021
  2. Co-ordinated IQAC-sponsored webinar on "E-Resources for Teaching Learning and Research" on 01.07.2020
  3. Co-ordinated TEQIP III sponsored 1week   faculty development program on AI- The world of Prediction  Machines” was organized from 24.06.2020 to 30.06.2020 through ONLINE
  4. Co-ordinated TEQIP II sponsored 1week   faculty development program on “LabVIEW Core-1, 2 & Hardware integration”, organized by the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore from 14th -20th Oct 2015.
  5. Co-ordinated TEQIP II sponsored 2 days  faculty development program on “Graphical System Design”, organized by the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore  from 24.07.2013 to 25.07.2013


Faculty Development Programs Attended:

  1. Participated in the online FDp on “LATEX” organized by spoken Tutorial project, IIT Bombay from 01.07.2024 to 15.07.2024
  2. Participated in the online FDp on “Optimization Techniques and its Emerging Applications” organized by Dept of EEE,PSG college of Technology from 19.12.2022-23.12.2022
  3. Participated in the webinar on “GLUE GRANT –A GAME CHANGER FOR COIMBATORE” organized by the Internal QualityAssurance Cell - Research Innovations and Extension Team, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore held on 04.05.2022.
  4. Participated in the webinar  on  “Design and Implementation of Curriculum as per National Education Policy 2020”  organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell –Teaching Learning and Evaluation, GCT held on 29.09.2021 & 01.10.2021 through Online Mode
  5. Participated in a two weeks (40 hours) online faculty development Programme on “Deep Learning & Applications (Parallel Architectures)” jointly organized by the Electronics and ICT Academies at IIT Guwahati, IIT Kanpur, IIT Roorkee, MNIT Jaipur, NIT Patna, NIT Warangal, and PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur during Aug 23-Sept 3, 2021 under the “Scheme of financial assistance for setting up of Electronics and ICT Academies” of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India.
  6. Participated in the webinar on “COMOS for Industry 4.0” organized by Dept of EEE,AVIT with Vi Micro systems ltd from 27.07.2021 to 30.07.2021
  7. Participated in the Online International Webinar on “Cyber-Physical System Applications using LabVIEW” Conducted by NITTTR, Chennai on 04.06.2021
  8. Participated in the Online International Webinar on"Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning using MATLAB" Conducted by NITTTR, Chennai on 28.05.2021
  9. Participated in the Online International Webinar on"Internet of Things (IoT) with MATLAB and thing speak"Conducted by NITTTR, Chennai on 27.05.2021
  10. Attended the Five-Day Faculty Development Programme on “Robotics and Automation” held from 9th March 2021 to 13th March 2021 by the Department of Robotics Engineering, Karunya University
  11. Participation in the Faculty Development Programme on "Modern Control Techniques for Power and Energy Systems" organized by the IEEE Kerala Section and NIT Calicut from 07.09.2020-13.09.2020
  12. Attended the One-week AICTE Sponsored Online STTP on "Application of Soft Computing Techniques to Renewable Energy System" (Series 1) from August 6th to 12th, 2020 by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of Government College of Technology, Coimbatore
  13. Participated in the Webinar on "RECENT TRENDS IN CALIBRATION SOLUTIONS" at KCT, Coimbatore on 28.08.2020
  14. Participated in the TEQIP - III Sponsored  One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on " MATLAB Programming for Meta-heuristic Multi-objective Optimization Techniques – Hands-on Training" organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore - 641013 during 22-26 June 2020.
  15. Participation in the Faculty Development Programme on "Electric Vehicle Technology" organized by the IEEE Madras Section from May 6th to May 9th.,2020
  16. Participated in One-Day Hands-on-Training on Deep Learning with MATLAB conducted by CIT - TLC on May 26, 2020.
  17. Participated in Two-Day Hands-on-Training on Solving Multiobjective Optimization Problems Using Deterministic & Stochastic Algorithms (V2.0) held on May 30 & 31, 2020
  18. Participated in a Two-Day FDP on Virtual Teaching conducted by CIT - TLC on April 20 & 21, 2020.
  19. Participated in TEQIP III sponsored on Energy Efficiency at Dept of Energy, IIT Bombay on 12.03.2020-16.03.2020
  20. Participated in Advanced Training Programme on Energy Efficiency on 27 - 28 February 2020 Pune by CII Hyderabad ( Industry Meet)
  21. Participated AICTE sponsored FDP on " Renewable Energy Grid Integration: Challenges and Solutions " organized by Dept of EEE, GCT,Coimbatore from 20.11.2019 to 03.12.2019
  22. Participated in the TEQIP-III sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Secured Communication for Instrumentation and Control” organized by the Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Coimbatore from 17th to  23rd May 2018.
  23. Participated in the AICTE-sponsored 2-week Faculty Development Programme on “Smart Power Grid Technologies” organized by the Department of EEE, Government College of Engineering, Coimbatore from 17.11.2017 to 30.11.2017
  24. Participated in the AICTE-sponsored 2-week Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in SCADA, smart grid and Industrial Automation” organized by the Department of EEE, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from 02.05.2017 to 15.05.2017
  25. Participated in the one-week faculty development program on “Smart grid and Smart City” held at, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, from 09.11.2016 to 15.11.2016
  26. Participated in the TEQIP II sponsored one-week faculty development program on “Solar PV and wind energy system design and applications with simulation software” organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, from 21st  to 27th September 2016.
  27. Participated in the TEQIP II, sponsored one-week faculty development program on “Energy resources management in the current scenario” organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, from 4th  to 10th  April 2016.
  28. Participated in the AICTE-sponsored 2-week Faculty Development Programme on “Soft Computing Techniques for Engineering Research and its Applications” organized by the department of ECE,  Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore from 08.06.2015 to 21.06.2015
  29. Participated in a two-week ISTE workshop on “Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education” conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, from 12th June to 10th August 2014. (Online activity equivalent to one week from 15th June to 23rd July and 27th July to 02nd August, Physical participation at the remote center from 12th June to 14th June and 24th July to 26th July 2014).
  30. Participated in the TEQIP II sponsored one-week faculty development program on “Strategies for effective student-teacher interaction” conducted by the Department of Humanities,  GCT, Coimbatore, from 29.05.2013 to 04.06.2013.
  31. Participated in the TEQIP II sponsored faculty development program on “Pedagogy and Professional Communication” conducted by the department of English, GCT, Coimbatore, from 22.05.2013 to 28.05.2013.



   1.  Successfully completed  the course named " Introduction to Smart Grid "  conducted by IIT, Kharagpur through MOOC ( Oct 2019)

   2. Successfully completed  the course named " Sensors and Actuators "  conducted by IISC, Bangalore through MOOC ( Nov 2019)



  1.  Successfully Completed 3 weeks Industrial Training on " Communication and Networking Technologies " from 1.6.2020 to 19.6.2020 at BSNL Coimbatore
  2. Completed 1 week Industrial Training on " Electronic Industry Orientation Program" from 25.7.2022 to 29.7.2022 at VVDN technologies, Pollachi
  3. Successfully completed 3 weeks Industrial Training on " Artificial Intelligence and Automation" from 8.8.2024 to 30.8.2024 at Tamilnadu Apex Skill Development centre for Logistics, Chennai