M. Sankar Kumar
Earned Degree/Diploma
Current Designation
Assistant Professor
Production Engineering
Contact Phone Number
Email (Official Preferred)
Production Engineering
Assistant Professor in GCT : 08.04.2013 to Till Date
Assistant Professor in SBM College of Engg & Tech, Dindigul : 09 Months
Assistant Professor in SCAD Engg College, Tirunelveli : 06 Months
Assistant Professor in Infant Jesus College of Engg Thoothukudi : 04 Years 11 Months
1. S. Srinivasa Moorthy, K. Manonmani, M. Sankar Kumar, Preparation and Characterization of TiO2 Particulate Filled Polyester Based Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite, International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 984-985, 2014, pp. 360-366. ISSN: 1022-6680, e-ISSN : 1662-8985.S. Srinivasa Moorthy, K. Manonmani, M. Sankar Kumar, Preparation and Characterization of TiO2 Particulate Filled Polyester Based Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite, International Journal of Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 984-985, 2014, pp. 360-366. ISSN: 1022-6680, e-ISSN : 1662-8985.
2. Sankar Kumar M, Ilamathi P, Ajaymanikandan N, Balakrishnan S, ‘An Analysis of Tribological Properties of Hybrid Polymer Composite Using Coir and Bagasse’, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol.29, no. 12s, 2020, pp. 3355-3364, ISSN: 2005-4238.
3. Ajaymanikandan N., Sankar Kumar M., Ilamathi P., Balakrishnan S., ‘Optimization of Silicon Carbide Belt Grinding for Ss304 and En8 Steels, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol.29, no. 11s, 2020, pp. 3554-3562, ISSN: 2005-4238.
4. Sankar Kumar Manickam & Ilamathi Palanivel 2024, ‘Practical implications of FSW parameter optimization for AA5754-AA6061 alloys’, Matéria (Rio de Janeiro), vol. 29, no. 4.
1. Srinivsa Moorthy, S, Manonmani, K & Sankar Kumar. M, ‘Preparation and Characterization of TiO2 Particulate Filled Polyester Based Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite’, in International conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments, in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ponjesly College of Engineering, Nagercoil, March 7&8, 2014.
2. Presented a paper titled “A review on metal ceramic composite materials through various processes” in the International conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM ’19) held during 22-23, March 2019 at KIT – Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
3. Sankar Kumar M, and Ilamathi P, “Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar AA5754 & AA6061 alloys” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Material Science and Renewable Energy (ICAIMSRE-2022) on 27 & 28, May 2022 at KIT – Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
FDPs / WORKSHOPS ATTENDED Since Date of Joining :
- One day NPTEL workshop conducted on 09.04.2013 at GCT, Coimbatore organized by National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (IIT Madras).
- One week TEQIP II sponsored FDP on “Pedagogy and Professional Communication” from 22.05.2013 to 28.05.2013 conducted by Department of English, GCT, Coimbatore.
- One week TEQIP II sponsored FDP on “Strategies for effective Student-Teacher Interaction” from 29.05.2013 to 04.06.2013 conducted by Department of Humanities, GCT, Coimbatore.
- TEQIP II sponsored two day workshop on “PLC based advanced automation” on 27.08.2013 and 28.08.2013 conducted by Department of Production Engineering, GCT, Coimbatore.
- One day Quality Improvement Cell workshop conducted on 23.01.2014 at GCT, Coimbatore.
- Two week ISTE workshop on “Pedagogy for effective use of ICT in Engineering Education” conducted by IIT, Bombay from 12.06.2014 to to 02.08.2014. (Online activity equivalent to one week from 15.06.2014 to 23.07.2014 and 27.07.2014 to 02.08.2014, Physical participation at Remote center from 12.06.2014 to 14.06.2014 and 24.07.2014 to 26.07.2014).
- TEQIP II sponsored two day workshop on “Learning Assessment and Evaluation” on 01.10.2014 and 02.10.2014 at GCT, Coimbatore.
- TEQIP II sponsored two day workshop on “Choice Based Credit System” on 10.07.2015 and 11.07.2015 conducted by GCT, Coimbatore.
- TEQIP II sponsored one week FDP on “Solar PV and Wind Energy system design and applications with simulation software” organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering” GCT, Coimbatore from 21.09.2016 to 27.09.2016.
- TEQIP-II Sponsored One week FDP on “Research Avenues in Mechanical Engineering” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, GCT from 31.10.2016 to 06.11.2016.
- AICTE sponsored Two Week FDP on “Engineering Entrepreneurship” from 27.11.2016 to 11.12.2016 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, IRTT, Erode.
- TEQIP Sponsored FDP on “Choice Based Credit System, OBE, Curriculum Design, IPR and Industry – Institution Partnership” from 29.12.2016 to 02.01.2017 Organised by Engineering Staff College of India, Hyderabad at Alleppey, Kerala.
- TEQIP-II Sponsored One week FDP on “Environmental approaches in Material Characterisation” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, GCT from 12.02.2017 to 18.02.2017.
- TEQIP-II Sponsored One week FDP on “Bio Energy and its scope in India” organized by Department of Civil Engineering, GCT from 24.02.2017 to 02.03.2017.
- AICTE sponsored Two Weeks FDP on “Advanced Material Science and Engineering” from 15.05.2017 to 28.05.2017 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, CIT, Coimbatore.
- AICTE – ISTE Sponsored One week Induction/Refresher Programme on “Teaching and Research with Technology” from 25.06.2018 to 01.07.2018 conducted by IRTT, Erode.
- TEQIP-III Sponsored One week FDP on “Experimental Design, Predictive Modelling and Optimization Tools” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, GCT from 12.12.2018 to 18.12.2018.
- Attended TEQIP III workshop organized by SPIU-Tamilnadu at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on 07.01.2019.
- AICTE Sponsored One week FDP on “METHODOLOGIES AND BEST PRACTICES OF VIBRATION ANALYSIS IN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY” from 13.06.2019 to 19.06.2019 organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Bargur.
- TEQIP-III Sponsored One week FDP on “Advanced Pedagogy, Sponsored Research, IPR & Entrepreneurship” organized by Department of Industrial Biotechnology, GCT from 22.07.2019 to 26.07.2019.
- TEQIP-III Sponsored One week FDP on “Multidisciplinary Innovations in Engineering and Science for Sustainable Development” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Design, GCT alongwith NIT, Arunachal Pradesh from 05.08.2019 to 09.08.2019.
- AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Workshop & Coordinators meeting at AICTE South West Regional Office, Bangalore on 14.08.2019
- TEQIP-III Sponsored one week FDP on “Management Development Programme for Teaching Staff” organized by ESCI, at Coorg, Karnataka from 26.08.2019 to 30.08.2019.
- DST sponsored one day state level technical seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights” jointly organized by Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology and GCT, Coimbatore on 27.09.2019.
- TEQIP-III Sponsored One day workshop on “Non-Destructive Testing and its Industrial Applications” organized by Mechanical Engineering – P.G. Manufacturing Engg, GCT on 30.09.2019.
- AICTE sponsored 5 Days ATAL FDP on “3D Printing for Engineers” organized by Department of Production Engineering, GCT, from 29.10.2019 to 02.11.2019.
- AICTE sponsored FDP on “Cutting Edge Technologies in Programmable Controllers and Industrial Automation” organized by Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, GCT from 04.12.2019 to 17.12.2019.
- TEQIP-III sponsored Two day FDP on “Design, Develop and Deliver online courses through MOODLE platform" - through On-Line mode on 23.04.2020 and 24.04.2020 organized by SPIU, Tamilnadu and Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore.
- One week FDP on “NOVEL MATERIALS AND ITS INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS” from 13.05.2020 to 18.05.2020, organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering & CoE for Composite Research, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- TEQIP-III Sponsored One week FDP on "The Holistic Life Style Management Workshop" Organised by Department of Information Technology, GCT from 15.06.2020 to 19.06.2020.
- BSNL three weeks industrial training on "Mechanical Engineering Applications in Telecom Industry" at BSNL, Coimbatore from 30.06.2020 to 20.07.2020.
- TEQIP III Sponsored online workshop on “Teach to influence (T2i)” organized by the internal quality assurance cell, Government college of technology, Coimbatore on 11.07.2020, 18.07.2020 and 25.07.2020.
- TEQIP III sponsored Online workshop on “Mastering LaTeX for Technical and Scientific Documentation” organized by Department of Industrial Biotechnology, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.08.2020.
- TEQIP III sponsored One day Webinar on “Digital Teaching – How to handle effective online classroom” Organised by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, August 11, 2020.
- TEQIP Sponsored Three days webinar on “Traditional Foods and Flavours: Discovering the hidden treasure” organized by Department of Industrial Biotechnology, GCT, Coimbatore from 12.08.2020 to 14.08.2020.
- AICTE sponsored 5 Days ATAL FDP on “Exploring Additive Manufacturing in Healthcare Applications" Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu from 19.10.2020 to 23.10.2020.
- TEQIP-III sponsored webinar on “Artificial Intelligence in Automobile Industries” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering – PG, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 06.03.2021.
- TEQIP-III sponsored two days workshop on “National Education Policy 2020” organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 08.03.2021 and 09.03.2021.
- TEQIP-III sponsored Product Development workshop on “Soap Making Processes” organized by Department of Industrial Biotechnology, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 10.03.2021.
- TEQIP-III sponsored two days workshop on “Entrepreneurship Development, Innovation and Startup” organized by Department of Production Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 12.03.2021 and 13.03.2021.
- AICTE sponsored online STTP on “Additive Manufacturing of Multi-functional Nanocomposites” from 21.06.2021 to 25.06.2021 conducted by IRTT, Erode.
- Webinar on “Methods and Avenues for Sponsored Research and Technical Collaborations” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell - Research Innovations and Extension Team, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore held on 31.08.2021.
Online Webinar on “Design and Implementation of Curriculum as per National Education Policy – 2020” organized by the Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC), Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 29.09.2021 and 01.10.2021.
One week Online Training Programme on “Non Traditional Machining” conducted by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research, Chennai from 31.01.2022 to 04.02.2022.
Two weeks Industrial Training at “Charvi Ring Products” Coimbatore, from 30-05-2023 to 12-06-2023.
Training Programme / Guest lecture organized as Co-ordinator / Co-coordinator:
- Awareness Campaign and Seminar on Design Thinking India Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC) – 2019 is organized for the students on 20.08.2019.
- Employability Skill Training Under TEQIP III at GCT, Coimbatore for the benefit of III year Production Engineering students from 29.08.2019 to 01.09.2019.
- Awareness campaign Programme for SIH – 2019 is organized for the students of Third year students on 14.10.2019.
- AICTE sponsored 5 Days ATAL FDP on “3D Printing for Engineers” is organized for the faculty members of Engineering and polytechnic colleges from 29.10.2019 to 02.11.2019.
- Employability Skill Training Under TEQIP III at GCT, Coimbatore for the benefit of III year Production Engineering students from 20.01.2020 to 01.02.2020.
- Employability Skill Training Under TEQIP III at GCT, Coimbatore for the benefit of III year Production Engineering students from 04.03.2021 to 07.03.2021.
- Online IQAC workshop on "Teach 2 Influence" on 11.07.2020, 18.07.2020 and 25.072020.
Responsibilities Held :
1. Department level :
- TEQIP co-ordinator,
- EST Co-ordinator
- Member of Board of studies of Production Engineering department.
- Treasurer – Production Engineering Association
2. Institutional level:
- NSS Coordinator [UNIT III & IV]
- Electoral Literacy Club Coordinator
- Anti Ragging Squad member
- Deputy Warden – III Year Boys Hostel
- Anti Drug Club Member
Academic Responsibility and Role
Faculty Advisor [2021 Batch]