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- MaruthuPandi.P. andDevarajan.N. (2009) “Harmonic reduction in SPWM based cascaded multilevel inverter –A soft computing approach,” Association for the Advancement of Modelling & Simulation Techniques in Enterprises (AMSE) Vol.64,Issue 2, No 1-2.pp.58-77.
- MaruthuPandi.P. andDevarajan.N. (2010) “Genetic algorithm based comparative analysis of power quality in cascaded multilevel inverter” International Journal of Technology and Engineering System (IJTES) Vol.1, No.2,pp.161-167. ISSN: 2320-8007 Impact Factor:1.85
- MaruthuPandi.P. and Sathiskumar (2010), “Simulation And Comparison Of Different Control Schemes For The Control Of An Active Power Filter” International Journal Of Computer Applications In Engineering, Technology And Sciences (IJ-CA-ETS)ISSN: 0974-3596 April ’10 – Sept ’10 Volume 2 : Issue 2 SJIF: 4.003
- MaruthuPandi.P.andDevarajan.N. (2011) “Comparative analysis of power quality issue in cascaded multilevel inverter using PWM Techniques”, European Journal of Scientific Research (EJSR) Vol.60, Issue 3, pp. 458-468. ISSN:1450-216x Impact Factor:0.736
- MaruthuPandi.P. andDevarajan.N. (2011) “Performance Enhancement of Embedded System Based Multilevel Inverter Using Genetic Algorithm” Journal of Electrical Engineering (JEE), Slovakia.Vol.62, No.4, pp. 190-198. ISSN:1335-3632 Impact Factor: 0.524
- MaruthuPandi.P. and Devarajan.N. (2015) “Optimum control of Total Harmonic Distortion in Field Programmable Gate Array based cascaded multilevel inverter” Journal of Vibration and control (JVC). Online publication: 20th September -2013 and Vol. 21(10) No.55 pp.1999–2005; ISSN: 10775463 Impact factor:2.101
- MaruthuPandi.P. Poomathi R (2015) “Performance Analysis of photo voltaic system with subpanel MPPT converter” International journal of Applied Engineering Research(IJAER) Vol.10, No.4, pp.10065-10078 ISSN: 0973-4562 Impact factor: 0.14
- MaruthuPandi.P. Karthik S (2015) ““Efficient design of hall effect current transformer for the measurement and protection of power systems” International journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) TITCON-2015 Conference proceedings, pp.874-879
- MaruthuPandi.P.Devarajan.N andVinishza P (2015) “ An improved MPPT scheme for PV systems under unstable shaded conditions” Journal of Energy research and Environmental Management: An innovative Approach of Electrical Engineering.Vol.-, No.1, pp. 35-41.
- MaruthuPandi.P.Devarajan.N and Vinishza P (2015) “Performance Comparison of Controllers for Photovoltaic Systems ” International journal of Applied Engineering Research(IJAER) Vol.10, No.55, pp.836-841; ISSN: 0973-4562 Impact factor: 0.14
- MaruthuPandi.P, Sebasthirani K and Balaganesan S.M.(2015) “New Control Technique for Mitigation of Harmonics in Three Phase System Using Shunt Active Power Filter ” International journal of Applied Engineering Research(IJAER) Vol.10, No.88, pp.213-218; ISSN: 0973-4562 Impact factor: 0.14
- MaruthuPandi.P, Suganthi R.(2015) “ A Comparative Survey of Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques for Photovoltaic System” International journal of Applied Engineering Research(IJAER) Vol.10, No.88, pp.237-242; ISSN: 0973-4562 Impact factor: 0.14
- Maruthu Pandi.P, Bagavathiy S (2018) “Sensorless cluster based neural-fuzzy control strategy for four quadrant operation of three phase BLDC motor with load variations” Cluster Computing: The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications ISSN 1386-7857- DOI 10.1007/s10586-017-1639-0, pp 1-10 Publisher: Springer. Impact factor: 1.96
- Maruthu Pandi.P, Vijayalaksmi N. (2018) “ Reduced ripple buck-boost converter design for solar portable applications” Journal of Graphic Technology, Vol-14 pp 1242-1251, ISSN 1748-0345.Publisher: TAGA
- Maruthu Pandi.P, Radhika.A. (2018) “A New Improved Three phase Trans ZSource Inverter” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM)Volume 118 No. 18 2018, 4655-4670 ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version) url: http://www.ijpam.eu
- Maruthu Pandi.P, Radhika.A. (2018) “Comparative Analysis of Transformer based Z Source Inverter (TZSI) and Impedance Source Inverter (ZSI)” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IJPAM) Volume 119 No. 12 2018, 1665-1675 ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version) url: http://www.ijpam.eu
- MaruthuPandi.P, Vijayalaksmi N. (2018) “An optimal low power digital controller for portable solar applications” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy vol10, Issue-5 053702 pp 1-10 doi: 10.1063/1.5043500
- MaruthuPandi.P, Mathavapandian (2018) "Experimental Analysis in Wearable Temperature Sensor Using Advanced Encryption Standard for Energy Efficient Information Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks" Journal:Sensor Letters, Volume 16, Number 11, November 2018, pp. 846-854(9) Publisher: American Scientific Publishers, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1166/sl.2018.4041
- MaruthuPandi.P, K. Amuthambigaiyin Sundari (2018) "Identification and Estimation of Unstable processes” International Journal of Emerging Innovations in Science and Technology-ISSN:2348-4403, Vol.4,Issue-2Publisher:Coumbatore: Infinite Tech Innovations
- MaruthuPandi.P, DhasBensam S. (2019) “A hybrid MWOAL approach for fast and efficient maximum power point tracking in wind energy conversion systems” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol11, Issue-03 3302, pp 1-15, 02 May 2019 doi.org/10.1063/1.5080784, Publisher:American Institute of Physics (AIP)
- MaruthuPandi.P, Hema K (2019) "Load frequency control of micro grid with ANFIS controller” Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Electrical Engineering Vol 05, No.05, pp 667-672 Nov-18-Oct-19 Publisher:AES
- MaruthuPandi.P, Hema K (2019) “Frequency control of distributed generators in micro grid with ANFIS controller” International research journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol 06, No 05, pp 6404-6408, May-2019
- MaruthuPandi.P, Santhosh Kumar R (2019) “Design and implementation of PWM rectifier with power factor control” International research journal of Engineering and Technology, (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
- MaruthuPandi.P, DhasBensam S. (2019) “Compatibility of electrical generators for harvesting extended power from wind energy conversion system” journal of Measurement and Control pp 1-12 DOI: 10.1177/0020294019858183 SAGE Publications
- MaruthuPandi.P, SenthilMurugan.L, “Minimization of Torque Ripple in Switched Reluctance Motor -A Review”International Journal of Advanced Research in Basic Engineering Sciences and Technology (IJARBEST)Vol.5, Issue.4, pp 106-115, April 2019, ISSN (ONLINE):2456-5717
- MaruthuPandi.P, Bagavathiy S (2018) “Fuzzy with PID based Sensorless Brushless DC Motor Control”International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.19) (2018) 481-484 DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i4.19.23205
- MaruthuPandi.P, Mathavapandian (2019) "FPGA implementation of highly scalable AES algorithm using modified mix column with gate replacement technique for security application in TCP/IP” Journal: Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier publication ISSN: 0141-9331
- MaruthuPandi.P, Mathavapandian (2019) "System Level Protection Against Side-Channel Attack Using High Performance Virtual Secure Circuit for Cryptographic Processor” Journal Name: Wireless Personal Communications, Springer publication ISSN online: 0929-6212
- P. Maruthupandi ,A.Radhika(2019) “ A New Improved Trans Z Source Inverter based Three Phase UPS” Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 12(19), pp 1-10, DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2019/v12i19/144468, May 2019, ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645
- P. Maruthupandi, SenthilMurugan.L (2020) Sensorless speed control of 6/4‑pole switched reluctance motor with ANFIS and fuzzy‑PID‑based hybrid observer ( Electrical Engineering, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00202-019-00915-5)
- P. Maruthupandi, SenthilMurugan.L (July 2020) “Realization of fault tolerant capability in a multiphase SRM drive using wavelet transform” Microprocessors and Microsystems, Elsevier, Vol 76, ISSN 0141-9331, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2020.103104)
- Maruthupandi.P, Kaviya.V, (2020), “Performance analysis of solar PV battery grid connected single phase transformerless inverter” International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020Vol. 5, Issue 4, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 445-449Published Online August 2020 in IJEAST (http://www.ijeast.com)
- MaruthuPandi.P, Vijayalaksmi N. (2020) “Intelligent Load Power Manager for Solar powered portable devices” Solid State Technology, ISSN : 0038-111x , Vol 63, No.5,pp 7051-7059
- P. Maruthupandi, Vishnu R. (2020) “Implementation of ANN Based SOC Estimation for Lithium-Ion Battery” Journal of Optoelectronics and Communication Volume 2 Issue 2 DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3991315 pp 1-13.
- P. Maruthupandi, SenthilMurugan.L (2021) “Design and Implementation of Novel DSCR Converter for 6/4 and 10/8 pole SRM Drive” Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology ISSN-1671-4512, Volume 50, issue 4 pp 1-15
- MaruthuPandi.P, SuganthiR.(2021), “CNN based deep learning Technique for Improved H7 TLI with grid connected photovoltaic system” International Journal of Energy Research” Volume 45 Issue 14, pp-19851-19868-Nov-2021 https://doi.org/10.1002/er.7030 Wiley Publications
- MaruthuPandi.P, , K. Amuthambigaiyin Sundari (2021), “Optimal Design of PID Controller for the analysis of Two Tank System Using Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithm” Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42835-021-00891-6 (Springer Publications)- Impact factor 1.069,17 September 2021, Vol. 17, pg 627-640 ISSN 19750102
- Priyadharshini S; Dr. Maruthupandi P and Dr. Latha Mercy E, 2021“Performance Enhancement of PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System: Experimental Analysis” International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, Vol. 7, Issue 6, pp. 225-233. http://www.ijmtst.com/vol7issue06.html
- Abirami K, Dr. P. Maruthupandi (June 2021), "Modelling and Load Test Analysis of a Wind farm for 14 Bus System", International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT), Volume 6, Issue 1, ISSN (Online) 2581-9429
- Manikandan, P. & Maruthupandi, P. (2022). Split-Capacitor Five-Level Transformerless Grid Connected Single Phase PV System using Level Shifted PWM Technique. Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Technologies, 4(1), 40-47. doi:10.36548/jucct.2022.1.005,
- Vinothini, K. & Maruthupandi, P. (2022). Performance Analysis of Isolated Bridgeless SEPIC Converter for EV Battery Charging. Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Technologies, 4(1), 28-39. doi:10.36548/jucct.2022.1.004
- Ranjithkumar & Maruthupandi P (2022). Identification of Single Phase to Ground Faults in Power Distribution Systems with RG Technique. Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation, 4(1), 9-18. doi:10.36548/jeea.2022.1.002
- Suganthi, R. & Maruthupandi P. (2022). Improved three phase H-7 transformerless inverter with DPWM to reduce leakage current using CNN based deep learning technique. Artificial Intelligence Review. 10.1007/s10462-022-10187-4. (Springer) ISSN 2692821
- Mahalekshmi T & Maruthupandi P. (2022) “Multiobjective Economic/Environmental Dispatch Using Harris Hawks Optimization Algorithm” Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing (IASC) DOI: 10.32604/iasc.2023.028718, vol.36, no.1, pp 445-460 Tech Science Press ISSN 10798587
- Sharmila D & Maruthupandi P (2023), “ Design and analysis of bidirectional buck boost converter for grid to PHEV and PHEV to Home” Journal of Electronics & Informatics (www.orojournals.com/iroci) ISSN 2582-3825, Vol-5 Issue 1 pp 86-103
- Sebasthirani K , Maruthupandi P, etal (2023) “Power Quality Enhancement Using ShuntActive Power Filter with Vienna Rectifier” Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS 2022), Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 623, pp 665-674 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-9638-2_58 Publisher Springer, Singapore, 31 May 2023
- Divya B , Maruthupandi P, (2023) “Optimization of solar power with Buck Boost Converter” International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Management ;Volume: 02 ; Issue : 05| May -2023 ; DOI : 10.55041/ISJEM01062
- Shruthi K, Maruthupandi P, (2023) “Review on recently addressed non isolated DC-DC converter with high voltage gain” International journal of innovation research in Electrical Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE) Volume: 11 ; Issue : 09 September-2023 page 44-48 ; DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.17148/ IJIREEICE.2023.11908
- Manikandan P & Maruthupandi P. (2023) “Design and Analysis of Transformer less Grid‑Tied PV Inverter with Hybrid Switching for a Wide Range of PV Voltage Adaptability” Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42835-023-01678-7 vol.36, no.1, pp 445-460 (Springer Publications) Tech Science Press 25 October 2023, ISSN 19750102,
- Raja S & Maruthupandi P. (2023) “Design and Modelling of a Level Control System Using the Artificial Neural Network” International Journal of Modern Engineering and Research Technology, vol.10, Issue 4, pp 47-53 ISSN: 2348-8565 (Online)- October 2023
- D. Sharmila. & Maruthupandi, P. (2023) “Design and Analysis of Bidirectional Buck-Boost Converter for Grid to PHEV and PHEV to Home” Journal of Electronics and Informatics, Vol.5, Issue 1, pp 86-103. doi:10.36548/jei.2023.1.007 https://irojournals.com/iroei/article/view/5/1/7
- Sebasthirani K & Maruthupandi P. (2024) “Implementation of AI Tuned PID Controller for Speed and Direction Control of BLDC Motor” Journal of Electrical Systems, ISSN 1112-5209 Vol 20-7s (2024): 2221-2228 ,
- Maruthupandi P & Sebasthirani K (2024) “Power Quality Enhancement in Distribution System with Solar Powered Three Phase Inverter Based DVR” Journal: Scope, ISSN 11775653, Volume 14, No.2, June 2024, Pg. 1508-1528
- Maruthupandi P ,Sebasthirani K, Vikram G.D (2024) “Modelling and Time Domain Analysis of Synchronous Machine with Fuzzy Based AVR” Journal: Periodico di Mineralogia, Volume 93, No. 5, 2024 Page 160-168, ISSN: 0369-8963, Sep-2024, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13768368, Publisher:Zenodo
- MaruthuPandi.P. andDevarajan.N. (2009) “Novel Harmonic Elimination technique using conventional controller in sinusoidal PWM based cascaded multi level inverter” International conference on Intelligent Systems and control held at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore-32 during 6 and 7th February-2009.
- MaruthuPandi.P.(2009) “Maximum Power control of grid connected variable speed wind system”, National conference on Future of Electrical & Instrumentation Technology, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, April 9,2009
- MaruthuPandi.P. andDevarajan.N. (2009) “Novel Harmonic Elimination technique using fuzzy logic controller in sinusoidal pulse width modulation based cascaded multi level inverter,” IEEE Bangalore section annual conference on Emerging Needs in Computing, Communication, Signals and Power(ENCCSP-09) on 29th August-2009 at Bangalore.
- MaruthuPandi.P.(2009), “Novel Harmonic Reduction technique using fuzzy logic controller”,18th Annual symposium on “Emerging Needs in Computing, communication, Signals & Power, IEEE - Bangalore section, August 29,2009
- MaruthuPandi.P.(2009), “A novel approach for harmonic reduction in SPWM based cascaded multilevel inverter using intelligent controllers”, First national conference on intelligent computing and control for engineering applications-NCICE’09, Anna university, Coimbatore, August 13,14 2009
- MaruthuPandi.P. andDevarajan.N. (2010) “ Estimation of optimized power quality in micro controller based cascaded multilevel inverter”, IEEE R8 International conference on Computational Technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, “SIBIRCON 2010” held at Russia. (Indexed in ieee explorer).
- MaruthuPandi.P. andDevarajan.N. (2010) “Optimization of power quality in cascaded multilevel inverter-Genetic Algorithm Approach”, IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT-2010), Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur. (Indexed in ieee explorer).
- MaruthuPandi.P. andRamesh.M. (2010)“Soft Computing technique for optimum control of cascaded multi-level inverter with superior harmonic reduction”, National Conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems-NCEIS’10, Government College of Technology, March 19, 2010.
- MaruthuPandi.P.(2010) “Soft Computing technique for the control of an active power filter”, National Conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems-NCEIS’10, Government College of Technology, March 19, 2010
- MaruthuPandi.P. andRajasekaran.S. (2010) “Implementation of FPGA based SVPWM control technique for three phase induction motor”, National Conference on Control &Power Engineering, CAPECON 2010, Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, 24th March 2010.
- MaruthuPandi.P. andRajasekaran.S. (2010) “FPGA based SVPWM control technique for three phase induction motor”, National Conference on Industrial Technology (NCIT’10), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, March 5-6, 2010.
- MaruthuPandi.P.(2010) “Control of an active power filter using fuzzy logic controller”, National Conference on Industrial Technology (NCIT’10), Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, March 5-6, 2010
- MaruthuPandi.P.(2010) “Implementation of FPGA based SVPWM control technique for three phase induction motor”, International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems and Management –IISM’10, RVS College of Engineering & Technology, June 10-12, 2010
- MaruthuPandi.P. (2010) “Estimation of optimized Power Quality In Micro Controller based Cascaded Multilevel Inverter”, IEEE R8 International conference on computational technologies in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(SIBIRCON 2010)-Indexed in ieee explorer, SIBIRCON 2010 Office NSTU building 4, room 121a Karl Marx Ave. 20 Novosibirsk 630092 Russia, July 11-15, 2010
- MaruthuPandi.P.(2010) “Optimization of power quality in cascaded multilevel inverter-Genetic Algorithm approach”, IEEE Sponsored International conference on computing, communication and network technologies (ICCCNT2010)-Indexed in IEEE explorer, Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur, July 29- 31,2010
- MaruthuPandi.P. (2011) “Modeling and simulation of distribution STATCOM”, Fourth national conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems 2011, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 17th March-2011.
- MaruthuPandi.P. (2011) “Design and simulation of cascaded nine level inverter based active power filter”, Fourth national conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems 2011, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 17th March-2011.
- MaruthuPandi.P. andDevarajan.N. (2011) “Selective Harmonic Elimination in cascaded multilevel inverter using artificial neura0000l network” International conference on modern trends in Instrumentation & Control (ICIC-11) organized by PSG College of Engg. & Technology, Coimbatore during 2nd and 3rd of Sepember-2011.
- MaruthuPandi.P. andAnitha.P. (2012) “Fuzzy Based Voltage Source Inverter for Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor” Fifth National Conference on Electrical and Instrumentaion Systems(NCEIS 2012) organized by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore during 22nd March-2012.
- MaruthuPandi.P. andAnitha.P. (2012) “Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Based Voltage Source Inverter for Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor” National conference on Emerging Trends in Instrumentation Systems organized by Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore during 9th and 10th of March-2012.
- MaruthuPandi.P. and Jordy K Jose (2013) “Shunt active power filter with renewable energy interface for power quality improvement”, TEQIP sponsored Sixth national conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems 2013, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 13th April-2013.
- MaruthuPandi.P. (2013) “PWM based bidirectional converter with multimode operation for DC distribution system”, TEQIP sponsored Sixth national conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems 2013, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 13th April-2013
- MaruthuPandi.P. andPoomathi.R. (2014) “Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Photovoltaic Systems under Partial Shaded Conditions” National conference – Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (NCACCS 2014) organized by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27th March-2014.
- MaruthuPandi.P. andKarthik.S. (2014) “Simulation of Transformer less High Efficiency PV Inverter using Interleaved Buck-Boost Converter” National conference – Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (NCACCS 2014) organized by Government College of Technology, Coimbatore during 27th March-2014.
- MaruthuPandi.P. andJacksy. J. (2014) “Maximum Power Point Tracking of Small Scale Wind Energy Conversion System using MPPT Techniques” International conference on Recent Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology – ICRISET’14 organized by Immanuel Arasar JJ College of Engineering during 2nd and 3rd April-2014.
- MaruthuPandi.P. and Vinishza P(2015) “An improved MPPT scheme for PV systems under unstable shaded conditions”Second International Conference on Applied Sciences , Environmental Engg and Energy Technology for sustainable Development (ASET-2015) organized by KrishiSanskriti at Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi during 14thand 15thFebruary -2015.
- MaruthuPandi.P. andKarthik.S. (2015) “Efficient design of hall effect current transformer for the measurement and protection of power systems” International Conference on Trends in Technology for Convergence (TITCON-2015) organized by AVS Engineering College, Salem during 10th and 11th April-2015.
- MaruthuPandi.P. andRamalingam.R. (2015) “Design and Simulation of high frequency inverter for PV system” International Conference on Trends in Technology for Convergence (TITCON-2015) organized by AVS Engineering College, Salem during 10th and 11th April-2015.
- MaruthuPandi.P. and Vinishza P(2015) “Performance comparison of controllers for photo voltaic systems” International Conference on Advances in Applied Engineering & Technology (ICAAET-2015) organized by Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram during 14thto 16thMay-2015.
- MaruthuPandi.P. and Sivasubbulakshmi R(2015),” Design and simulation of three phase two stage grid connected frequency modulated LLC micro inverter using film capacitor” International Conference on Alternate Energy Technologies (ICAET-2015) organized by Department of EEE, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore during 25thto26thNovember-2015.
- MaruthuPandi.P. and Ajay R. (2015),” Fast converging MPPT algorithm for PV panel using SAZZ converter” International Conference on Alternate Energy Technologies (ICAET-2015) organized by Department of EEE, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore during 25thto26thNovember-2015.
- MaruthuPandi.P. and Sivasubbulakshmi R (2016),” hybrid type full bridge DC-DC converter with high efficiency using PV systems” in the national conference on “Renewable Energies” heldin the Department of EEE, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 7th April 2016
- Maruthupandi.P. and Angel.A (2017),” Performance Analysis of DC nano grid with Renewable Energy Sources through simulation” in the ICMR sponsored IEEE international conference on “Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM’17) held at KIT-KalaignarKarunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatoe on 3rd and 4th March,2017.
- Maruthupandi.P. and Shaik Abdul Rahman (2017),” Performance Analysis of Hybrid converter with open loop and closed loop control” in the TEQIP II CoE-AER sponsored national conference on “Alternate Energy Technologies” (ICAET’17) held at Department of EEE, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 24thMarch 2017
- Maruthupandi.P. and Angel.A (2017),” Performance Analysis of Hybrid Renewable Energy Sources” in the TEQIP II CoE-AER sponsored national conference on “Alternate Energy Technologies” (ICAET’17) held at Department of EEE, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 24thMarch 2017
- Maruthupandi.P. and Chelladurai.S (2017),”Demand side Management with Load Shifting Technique in Smart Grid ” in the TEQIP II CoE-AER sponsored national conference on “Alternate Energy Technologies” (ICAET’17) held at Department of EEE, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 24thMarch 2017
- Maruthupandi.P. and Suganthi R (2017),”PWM Technique for three phase transformer less grid connected photo voltaic Inverter” in the 8th Industrial Automation and Electromechanical Engineering Conference (IEEE-IEMECON-2017) organized by IEEE Thailand section held at Bangkok, Thailand during 16th to 18th August-2017. (Received BEST PAPER AWARD)
- Maruthupandi.P. Sathya E,(2018) “ Performance analysis of PMSG based wind energy conversion system with Super capacitor” in the 4th International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems (ICEES ‘2018) held at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai during 07th to 09th Feb-2018 (Indexed in IEEE Xplore-https://doi.org/10.1109/ICEES.2018.8443259 )-pp 57-60
- Maruthupandi.P. Kaushika C (2018) “Ordinal Optimization Technique for State Estimation in Distribution System” in the International Conference on Contemporary Topics in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICCTEEE’ 2018) held at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore during 27 and 28th Feb-2018, ISSN:2456-1983 pp-643-648
- Maruthupandi.P. Sathya E,(2018) “ Selective Harmonic Elimination in symmetrical cascaded H-Bridge multilevel inverter with Newton Raphson Algorithm” in the National Conference on Alternate Energy Technologies(NCAET-2018) held at Department of EEE, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27th April 2018
- Maruthupandi.P. Kaushika C (2018) “ Modelling and Analysis of Synchronous machine” in the National Conference on Alternate Energy Technologies(NCAET-2018) held at Department of EEE, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 27th April 2018
- Maruthupandi.P. SenthilMuruganL (2019) “Analysis of 6/4 & 10/8 pole switched Reluctance motor with compact power converter” in the National Conference on Communication, Computing and System Design (NC3SD’19) organized by the Departments of CSE,EEE and ECE,PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore on 19thMarch 2019
- Maruthupandi.P. GnanarajE, (2019) “Design and performance analysis of light weighted solar powered agriculture drone” in the National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Electrical Systems (ETES-2019) held at Department of EEE,Government College Engineering, Salem on 04thApril 2019
- Maruthupandi.P. Kaviya V (2020) “Simulation and Performance Analysis of Fuzzy Based Grid Connected TransformerlessInverter” Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Technological Convergence in Engineering, Energy, & Sustainability (ICTCEES – 2020) organized by VimalJyothi Engineering College, Kannur, Kearlaon 18th & 19th July 2020.ICTCEES-2020-PAPER ID: EE002Pg.No. 37
- Maruthupandi.P. et al (2021) “Power quality enhancement using shunt active power filter with Vienna rectifier” Proceedings of 7thInternational Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS – 2022) organized by Global Knowledge Research Foundation on 09-10th Dec 2022, held at Chandigarh, India (Online)
Maruthupandi.P. et al (2023),”Bidirectional charging based E -mobility systems” 1st International Conference on Advanced Optimization Techniques and Applications (AOTA - 2023) organised by Ramgarh Engineering College (REC), Jharkhand during January 21st -22nd, 2023.
Maruthupandi.P. et al (2024),” Performance Analysis of Solar Powered High Gain Quadratic Boost Converter for Agricultural Applications” International Conference on International Conference on Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Energy, Electronics and Computer Engineering IConRAAEECE ’24 on 28-06-2024 and 29-06-2024 organised by Dept. of EEE, MEPCO Schlenk Engneering College, Sivakasi
- Electrical Engineering Anuradha Publications, Chennai (2009) Third Edition (ISBN 978-81-8472-089-1)
- Electrical Machines-I Anuradha Publications, Chennai (2010) Third Edition (ISBN 978-81-8472-117-1)
- Electrical Machines-II Anuradha Publications, Chennai (2010) Third Edition (ISBN 978-81-8472-137-9)
- Circuit Theory Anuradha Publications, Chennai 2010 Second Edition (ISBN 978-81-8472-250-5)
- Industrial Electronics Anuradha Publications, Chennai (2011) First Edition (ISBN 978-81-8472-164-5)
- Circuit Analysis Anuradha Publications, Chennai 2017 First Edition (ISBN 978-81-87721-25-3)
- Co-ordinator for the Workshop on “Recent Advancements in Virtual Instrumentation & its Applications” at Dept. of EEE,Government College of Technology, Coimbatore during 3/9/2009 and 4/9/2009
- Co-ordinator for the TEQIP sponsored FDP on “Recent Advancements in Virtual Instrumentation & Embedded System design” at EEE Dept,Government College of Technology, Coimbatore during 16/06/2010 to 22/06/2010
- Co-ordinator for the TEQIP sponsored one week FDP on “Engineering Solutions through MATLAB” at Dept. of EEE,Government College of Technology, Coimbatore during 11/10/2012 to 17/10/2012.
- Co-ordinator for the AICTE sponsored two week FDP on ‘Efficient control of renewable energy and its conservation’ during 25th April to 08th May 2013.
- Co-ordinator for the TEQIP-II-CoE-AER sponsored one day workshop on “Applications of Neuro-Fuzzy for Renewable Energy Systems” on 09th March-2015.
- Co-ordinator for the TEQIP-II-CoE-AER sponsored one day workshop on ““Solar PV and Solar Thermal Technologies” on 15th April-2015
- Co-ordinator for the TEQIP-II-CoE-AER sponsored one week FDP on “ Research Issues in Renewable Energy Systems” during 25th May to 31st May-2015
- Co-ordinator for the TEQIP-II-CoE-AER sponsored one day motivation programmeon “Basics of Electrical Engineering for budding Engineers” on 17th August-2015
- Co-ordinator for the TEQIP-II-CoE-AER sponsored one day workshop on “Role of Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems and Modern Industries” on29th December-2015
- Co-ordinator for the TEQIP-II-CoE-AER sponsored one day workshop on “Industrial Safety and Power quality Measures with renewable energy sources”on 5th April 2016
- Co-ordinator for the TEQIP-II-CoE-AER sponsored one day workshop on “Energy Audit, Power quality issues and mitigation techniques” on 22nd April 2016
- Co-ordinator for the TEQIP-II-CoE-AER sponsored two day workshop on “Hands on Training in MATLAB for Renewable Energy Research Issues” on 23nd and 24th February 2017
- Co-ordinator for the TEQIP-III sponsored two day workshop on “Design of PCB with MultiSIM and Proteus Softwares” on 04th and 05th October 2018
- Co-ordinator for the TEQIP-III sponsored two week training programme on “Employability Skills Training Programme” for third year students conducted during 05-12-2018 to 19-12-2018 under TEQIP- III
- Co-ordinator for one day seminar on “Petroleum Conservation” for third year studentson23-07-2019 conducted by Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) Coimbatore.
- Co-ordinator for the two week AICTE sponsored FDP on “Renewable energy grid integration : Challenges and solutions”, organized by Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT,Coimbatore, from 20-11-2019 to 03-12-2019
- Co-ordinator for TEQIP III sponsored two day workshop on “Computational intelligence techniques for distributed generation systems-Hands on training with MATLAB”, 09-3-2020 and 10-3-2020 for I and II year PG students and research scholars
- Co-coordinated three day IQAC programme on “An online presentation of the best practices in technical educations”,under twinning activity on 23-7-2020, 24-7-2020 and 27-7-2020 organised by IQAC, GCT, Coimbatore
- Co-ordinator for TEQIP III sponsored one-day workshop on “Machines in Industries” for second year EEE students on 20-2-2021
Co-ordinator for hands on training on “Induction Motor Testing Set up” for final year EEE students on 27-10-2021
Coordinator for the five day on line TN government sponsored FDP on “Design and Development of Electric Vehicle: Research Challenges and Opportunities” jointly organized by Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT, and Faculty Development and Training Centre Coimbatore from 17-10-2022 to 21-10-2022
Co-ordinator for the Workshop on "Energy audit and conservation in industry and
domestic environment" on 31-3-2023 @ 2 to 5 pm for second year students
Co-coordinator for the one-day national conference on “Electrical and Instrumentation Systems” (NCEIS’23) 27th April 2023 Organized by Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engg, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore.
- Attended Three days workshop on“Graphical System Design using Lab view”, organized Government College of Technology & National Instruments, 11/12/2008(3 days)
- AttendedTwo week FDPon“VLSI Technology Embedded Systems”,Government College of Technology, AICTE, 12/05/2008(14 days)
- Attended two days workshopon“Recent Advancements in Virtual Instrumentation & its Applications”,organized by Department of Electrical Engg.,Government College of Technology, Coimbatore during 3/9/2009-4/9/2009 (2 days)
- Attended one day workshop on “Wavelets and its Applications to Signal Processing”, organized by Government College of Technology, 20/08/2009
- Attended one day workshop on “Neural Networks”, organized by Government College of Technology, 31/08/2009
- Attended two days workshop on “Research Issues in GRID Computing”,Government College of Technology, AICTE, 30/3/2010-31/3/2010 (2 days)
- AttendedTEQIP sponsored one week FDP on “Recent Advancements in Virtual Instrumentation & Embedded System design” at Government College of Technology dated 16/06/2010-22/06/2010 (7 days)
- Attended AICTE sponsored SDP on “Computer Vision and Image Processing”, organized by Dept of CSE and IT ,Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, during 3rd May 2010 to 7th May 2010
- Attended AICTE sponsored two week FDPon“Soft Computing Techniques in Power Converter Design” , organized by Arunachala College of Engineering for Women,Nagercoil24/5/2010 -06/6/2010 (14 days)
- Attended one week TEQIP sponsored FDPon“Language use in Class room communication”,organized by Dept. of English, GCT,Coimbatore, 23-07-2010 to 29-07-2010 (7 days)
- Attendedone day workshopon“DSP-FPGA based system design”, organized byDept. of Electrical Engg.,GCT,Coimbatore, 11-03-2011
- Attendedtwo week AICTE sponsored SDPon“Soft computing techniques in electrical Systems and Control”,Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT,Coimbatore, 09/5/2012 to 22/5/2012
- AttendedTEQIP-II sponsored one week FDPon“Research opportunities in contemporary issues of Engineering”,organized by Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT,Coimbatore, TEQIP, 24/8/2012 to 30/8/2012
- AttendedTEQIP-II sponsored one week FDPon“Engineering Solutions through MATLAB”,organized by Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT,Coimbatore,11/10/2012 to 17/10/2012.
- Attended one week TEQIP sponsored FDP on “Restructured Power Market and FACTS Devices”, organized by Dept. of EIE. GCT,Coimbatore, 28-2-2013 to 06-3-2013
- Attendedtwo week AICTE sponsored FDP on “Efficient control of renewable energy and its conservation”, organized by Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT,Coimbatore, 25-4-2013 to 08-5-2013
- Attendedtwo week AICTE sponsored FDP on“Avenues for advanced research in modern power electronics and hybrid energy systems”,Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT,Coimbatore, 15-5-2013 to 28-5-2013
- Attendedtwo week AICTE sponsored FDP on “Smart grid Challenges and opportunities”,Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT,Coimbatore, 29-5-2013 to 11-6-2013
- AttendedCEP Short term course on “Simulation of Power Electronic Circuits”,organized by the Dept. of Electrical Engg., IIT Bombay during 08-10-2013 to 09-10-2013.
- Attendedthree days national workshop on “Accreditation and Autonomy”, organized by ISTE-WPLP at Kanyakumari during 06-01-2014 to 08-01-2014
- Attendedone day workshop on “Quality Improvement”,organized by Quality Improvement Cell of GCT, Coimbatore on 23-01-2014.
- Attended TEQIP II (CoE-AER) sponsored one day Workshop on “Overview of wind and Solar Energy Systems” organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, GCT, Coimbatore, on 13-03-2014
- One day Workshop on “Structural dynamics: Theory, Experiments &Applications( Smart Structures, Structural Health Monitoring, Advanced Sensing Technologies& Energy Harvesting)” organized by the IVS Noble Solutions at IIT Delhi on 22-03-2014
- Attended TEQIP II (CoE-AER) sponsored one week FDP on “Technical Software for Alternate Energy Resources ” organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, GCT, Coimbatore from 11th August to 16th August 2014
- TEQIP II sponsored one day workshop on “Procurement Practices”organized by SPFUatPSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 22nd August 2014
- One day workshop on “Weather Monitoring Station and its applications” organized by the Department of Electrical Engg., GCT, Coimbatore, on 11th December 2014
- Two days Workshop on “Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Sources (SGRES) organized by CPRI, Bangalore during 8th and 9thJanuary-2015
- Attended TEQIP II (CoE-AER) sponsored Five days FDP on “Recent Research Projects in Renewable Energy Systems” organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, GCT, Coimbatore from 4th May to 8th May 2015
- Attended TEQIP II (CoE-AER) sponsored one week FDP on “Research Issues in Renewable Energy Systems” organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, GCT, Coimbatore from 25th May to 31st May 2015
- Attended TEQIP II (CoE-AER) sponsored one week FDP on “The Rise of Renewables: Integration Challenges and opportunities” organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, GCT, Coimbatore from 10th June to 16th June 2015
- Attended TEQIP II (CoE-AER) sponsored one day workshop on “Research focus in smart grid and wind energy synchronization” organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, GCT, Coimbatore on 15th July 2015
- AttendedCPDP –Training Programme on “Energy Audit and Loss Reduction in T&D Systems”,organized by Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI), Hyderabad during 11-08-2015 to 13-08-2015.
- Five days AICTE sponsored QIP-Short term course on “Photovoltaics and Applications toSmart Grid organized by IISc, Bangalore during 18thto22nd January-2016
- TEQIP-II CoE-AER sponsored one week national workshop on” Solar and Wind energy conversion systems-Hands on Training” organized by Department of EEE, GCT, Coimbatore from 10th to 16th March-2016
- Three days workshop on “ Smartmicrogrids” organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur during 08th to 10th April-2016
- TEQIP-II CoE-AER sponsored one week FDP on” Solar PV and Wind energy system design and Applications with simulation software” organized by Department of EEE, GCT, Coimbatore from 21st to 27th September -2016
- TEQIP-II CoE-AER sponsored one week FDP on” Smart grid and smart city” organized by Department of EEE, GCT, Coimbatore from 9th to 15th November-2016
- Five days Industrial training programme on “Renewable Energy Systems-Grid tied Solar System using FPGA”organized by Entuple Technologies, Bangalore during 05th to 09th December -2016
- Two days Workshop on “Smart Grid and Cyber security organized by CPRI, Bangalore during 5th and 6thJanuary-2017
- Two days Workshop on “Solar PV and wind energy systems and Applications using MATLAB” organized by Department of EEE, GCT Coimbatore on 10-02-2017 and 11-02-2017
- Two days Workshop on “Hands on Training –FPGA controller for power converters”organized by Department of EEE, GCT Coimbatore on 16-02-2017 and 17-02-2017
- Two days Workshop on “Hands on Training in MATLAB for Renewable Energy Research Issues”organized by Department of EEE, GCT Coimbatore on 23-02-2017 and 24-02-2017
- One day Workshop on “Springer Nature Author workshop” organized by University Library, Anna University Chennai and Springer Nature on 27-02-2017
- Threedays Workshop on “Internet of Things for Alternate Energy Applications”organized by Department of EEE, GCT Coimbatore from 04-03-2017 to 06-03-2017
- Twodays Workshop on “Hands on Training-Real Time Simulator”organized by Department of EEE, GCT Coimbatore on 27-03-2017 and 28-03-2017
- Attended two week AICTE sponsored FDP on “Smart Power Grid Technologies”, organized by Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT,Coimbatore, 17-11-2017 to 30-11-2017
- Two days AICTE sponsored seminar on “Smart Grid and Cyber Security ”organized by Department of EEE, GCT Coimbatore on 06-12-2017 and 07-12-2017
- TEQIP-III sponsored one week FDP on” Secured communication for instrumentation and control” organized by Department of EIE, GCT, Coimbatore from 17th to 23rd May-2018
- TEQIP-III sponsored two day training on” Numerical Relay Development Environment” organized by PRDC Bangalore at Department of EEE, GCT, Coimbatore from 26 and 27th July 2018
- TEQIP-III sponsored one day training on” e-Procurement-Principles and Practices” organized by GCT, Coimbatore on 26th October 2018.
- One week Electronics & ICT Academy-Ministry of Electronics and information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India sponsored FDP on “Modelling and simulation of custom power devices for power quality improvement” organized by MNIT Jaipur from 19th to 23 November-2018
- Successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE-FDP- 12 weeks on line course on” Design of photo voltaic systems” conducted by IISc, Bangalore during July 2018 to October-2018 ( Equivalent to 1.5 week AICTE-FDP)
- One day seminar on” Tektronix Measurement Seminar” organized by Tektronix, at The Residency Towers, Coimbatore on 11th April 2019.
- Successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE-FDP- 8 weeks on line course on” Advance Power Electronics and control” conducted by IIT, Roorkee during Jan 2019 to March-2019 ( Equivalent to one week AICTE-FDP) Topper (Top 2%)
- Five days QIP-Short term course on “Solar Energy Systems”organized by IISc, Bangalore during 1stto 5th July-2019
- One day state level technical seminar on” Intellectual property rights” jointly organized by TNSCST Chennai and GCT, Coimbatore on 27th September, 2019.
- Successfully completed NPTEL-AICTE-FDP- 8 weeks on line course on “ Fundamentals of Electrical Drives” conducted by IIT, Kanpur during July 2019 to September -2019( Equivalent to one week AICTE-FDP)
- Attended two week AICTE sponsored FDP on “Renewable energy grid integration: Challenges and solutions”, organized by Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engg. GCT,Coimbatorefrom20-11-2019 to 03-12-2019
- Two days research lab visit at National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI), Nagpur on 17-2-2020 and 18-2-2020
- Attended five day online workshop supported by IEEE SSIT & IEEE BMSCE student chapter on “Design, analysis and applications of power electronic converters” organized by Dept.of EEE, BMSCE and IES Bangalore chapter from11-5-2020 to 15-5-2020.
- Undergone three week industrial training on Communication and networking Technologies” conducted by Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Telecom Training Centre, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited Chennai from 18-5-2020 to 05-6-2020 at BSNL, Coimbatore.
- TEQIP-III sponsored two day FDP online FDP on “Design, Develop and Deliver online courses through MOODLE platform” organized by Department of Technical Education State Project Implementation Unit - Tamil Nadu & Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 23-4-2020 and 24-4-2020
- Four day FD webinar on “Real time simulation and its application in power systems and power electronics” organized by IE(I) and Dept. of EEE, SRM University, Chennai on 10-6-2020 to 13-6-2020
- Attended TEQIP-III sponsored one week online FDP on “MATLAB programming for Meta-Heuristic multi objective optimization tools- Hands on Training” organized by Dept.of Mechanical Engineering, GCT, Coimbatore on 22-6-2020 to 26-6-2020
- Attended TEQIP-III sponsored one day live webinar on “ Preparing ourselves on second cycle of NBA accreditation” organized by Internal Quality assurance cell, GCT, Coimbatore on 11-7-2020
- Attended two week AICTE endorsed FDP on “Advanced Optimization Techniques and hands-on withMATLAB/SCILAB” jointly organized by Electronics and ICT Academies held from 13 – 24 July 2020 under the Scheme of financial assistance for setting up of Electronics and ICT Academies” of MNIT by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India from13-7-2020 to 24-7-2020
- Attended TEQIP-III sponsored one-day live webinar on “Digital Teaching- How to handle effective online classroom” organized by Internal Quality assurance cell, GCT, Coimbatore on 11-8-2020
- Attended one week AICTE sponsored FDP on “Applications of soft computing techniques to Renewable energy systems (Series-I) ”, organized by Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engg. GCT,Coimbatore from 06-8-2020 to 12-8-2020
- Attended one week FDP on “Modern control Techniques for power and energy systems”, organized by Industrial power group ,Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engg. NIT, Calicut from 07-9-2020 to 13-9-2020
- Attended AICTE Sponsored one week ATAL online FDP on “Internet of Thinks (IoT)” organized by Dept. of EIE, GCT, Coimbatore from 07-12-2020 to 11-12-2020
- Attended TEQIP-III Sponsored online workshop on “Teach 2 Influence (T2i) ” organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore on 11-07-2020, 18-07-2020 and 25-07-2020.
- Attended webinar series on “Artificial Intelligence based Control of Power Electronics Converters” organized by Dept. of EEE, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore from 02-6-2021 to 04-6-2021
- Attended six days online International FDP on “Research Innovations and Emerging Advances in Electrical Engineering” organized by Dept. of EEE, Eswari Engineering College, Chennai from 14-6-2021 to 19-6-2021
- Attended ATAL academy sponsored online FDP on “Distributed Energy System Modeling and Control” organized by Government Engineering College, Bharuch, Gujarat from 21-6-2021-25-6-2021
- Attended ATAL academy sponsored online FDP on “Design and Development of Electric Vehicle” organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli from 09-7-2021 to 13-7-2021 Attended AICTE-ISTE approved orientation/ Refresher programme “ Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems” organized by Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology, Surat – 395001 Gujarat from 27-12-2021 to 01-1-2022
- Attended AICTE-ISTE approved orientation/ Refresher programme “ Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems” organized by Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology, Surat – 395001 Gujarat from 27-12-2021 to 01-1-2022
Attended Govt. of Tamilnadu sponsored industrial training “Electronic Industry Orientation Programme (EIOP'22)” organized and conducted by VVDN Technologies Pvt Ltd., Pollachi in association with DoTE and Guidance Tamilnadu from 25-7-2022 to 29-7-2022
Attended six days online FDP on “Integration of Renewable Resources” organized by Dept. of EEE, Mailam Engineering College, Mailam from 01-9-2022 to 08-9-2022
- Attended one week Capacity building program -Innovation mentor " jointly organized by GCE, Salem, DoTE, Govt. of TN and FORGE from 16-10-2023 to 21-10-2023 at GCE Salem
- Undergone two weeks industrial training at EL Advanced Automation, Coimbatore from 15-05-2024 to 28-05-2024
Attended online Naan Mudhalvan FDP for faculty on Micrsoft Digital Skills conducted by TN Skill Development Cell and NM team from 16-09-2024 to 22-09-2024
- Presented lecture on “Power Semi Conductor Devices and Converters”at VSVN PolytechnicCollege, Virudhunagar on 01-06-2004
- Presented lecture on “DC and AC Choppers and Commutation Techniques”at VSVN PolytechnicCollege, Virudhunagaron 02-06-2004
- Presented lecture on “Embedded and Digital Control of Power Converters” at Mt. Zion College of Engineering, Pudukottai on 12-08-2009
- Presented lecture on “Design of Intelligent Control for Power Converters” at Chettinad College of Engineering and Technology, Karur.
- Presented lecture on “Power Electronics and its Control”KTVR Knowledge Park of Engineering & Tech., Coimbatore on 28-06-2012
- Presented lecture on “Solar cells, Design and cost estimation of house electrification using solar panels” in the AICTE Sponsored FDP organized by KalingnerKarunanidhi Institute of Technology,Coimbatore on 10-06-2013
- Presented special lecture on “Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor-ASpecial Machine” in the Anna University Sponsored FDP organized by Anna University-Regional Centre, Coimbatore on 15-06-2013
- Presented special lecture on “Inverters and its control” in the national level seminar on “Recent trends in Power Electronics and Drives” organized by Cheran College of Engineering, Karur on 19-09-2013.
- Presented guest lecture on “Genetic Algorithm for Multilevel inverters” in the national level workshop on “Soft computing techniques for Power Electronics Applications” organized by Karunya University, Coimbatore on 14-03-2014 & 15-03-2014.
- Presented guest lecture on “Converters for Solar PVSystems and Control” in theRefresher Programme organized by KarpagamUniversity, Coimbatore on 05-06-2015.
- Presented guest lecture on “Converters for Grid connected Solar PV Systems and Control”in the two days seminar on Challenges in Grid connected Renewable Energy Systemsorganized by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasion 26-06-2015.
- Presented guest lecture on “Simulation of Power Electronic Converters” in the two days national workshop on “ Soft computing Techniques using MATLAB” organized by Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 04-3-2016
- Presented guest lecture on “Wind Energy Conversion systems” in the TEQIP-II CoE-AER sponsored one week national workshop on “Solar and Wind Energy Conversion systems-Hands on Training” organized by Department of EEE, GCT, Coimbatore on 14-03-2016
- Presented guest lecture on “Fundamentals of Wind Energy Conversion systems” in the TEQIP-II CoE-AER sponsored one week FDP on” Solar PV and Wind energy system design and Applications with simulation software” organized by Department of EEE, GCT, Coimbatore on 22nd September -2016
- Presented guest lecture on “Converter Design for solar PV systems” in the TEQIP-II CoE-AER sponsored one week FDP on” Smart grid and Smart city” organized by Department of EEE, GCT, Coimbatore on 13th November -2016
- Presented guest lecture on “Converter Topologies of Solar PV, Wind and Fuel cells”in the two days MNRE, New Delhi sponsored national workshop on “Modeling and Simulation of Renewable Energy Sources using MATLAB” organized by Sri Vidya College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagaron 04-02-2017.
- Presented guest lecture on “Minimization of Harmonics in Inverters with Optimization Techniques” in the national level workshop on “Modelling and Optimization Techniques in Electrical Engineering” organized by Karunya University, Coimbatore on 07-09-2017.
- Presented guest lecture on “PV Cells, Design and cost estimation of house electrification using solar panel ” in the Govt. of India sponsored Training of Trainers under Sunriamithra scheme conducted at EEE Department of GCT, Coimbatore on 09-8-2018
- Presented guest lecture on “Simulation Study of Power Converters” in the national level workshop on simulation of Power electronis systems with MATLAB and PSIM organized by Department of EEE, AAA College of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi on 17-8-2018
- Presented guest lecture on “Salient and non salient pole synchronous generator” in the two week FDP on Electrical Machines-II organized by Department of EEE, University College of Engineering, Panruti, sponsored by Anna University Chennai on 07-12-2018
- Presented guest lecture on “Phase controlled rectifiers” in the Anna University sponsored one week FDTP on Power Electronics organized by Department of EEE, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, on 28-05-2019
- Presented guest lecture on “High Voltage DC Transmission system” in the one week FDP on High Voltage and Power System Engineering organized by Department of EEE, NIT Arunachal pradesh sponsored by TEQIP-III under twining Activity on 28-08-2019.
- Presented guest lecture on “Design and selection of power converters for PVT”in the AICTE sponsoredtwo week FDP on“Renewable energy grid integration : Challenges and solutions”, organized by Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT, Coimbatore, on21-11-2019
- Presented guest lecture on “Wind Energy Technologies and Energy Conversion Topologies” in the AICTE sponsored two week FDP on “Renewable energy grid integration : Challenges and solutions”, organized by Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT, Coimbatore, on 22-11-2019
- Presented guest lecture on “Power Electronics for Industrial Automation”in the ICE Association function organized by Dept. of Instrumentation and control Engineering, GRG Polytechnic College, Coimbatore, on 07-02-2020
- Presented guest lecture on “Control and Protection Schemes in Grid connected PV systems” in the AICTE Sponsored Six days online STTP organized by Dept.ofEEE, Saranathan College of Engineering, Tiruchirappallion 29.7-2020
- Presented guest lecture on “MPPT Algorithms for Solar PV Systems” in the AICTE Sponsored Six days online STTP organized by Dept. of EEE, GCT, Coimbatore on 08-8-2020.
- Presented guest lecture on “MPPT Algorithms for re-harnessing Solar power and its applications in EV” in the AICTE Sponsored Six days online STTP organized by Dept.ofEEE, KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 27-8-2020.
- Presented guest lecture on “Electric Vehicle design and motors for EVs” in the AICTE Sponsored Six days online STTP organized by Dept. of EIE, RMK Engineering College, Chennai on 12-10-2020.
- Presented guest lecture on “Design of DC-DC Converters for Electric Vehicle” in the AICTE Sponsored Six days online STTP organized by Dept. of EIE, RMK Engineering College, Chennai on 02-11-2020.
- Presented guest lecture on “Integration of Solar and Wind Energy Sources: Challenges and Solutions” in the AICTE Sponsored one week online STTP organized by Dept. of EEE, P. A. College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi on 03.11.2020
- Presented guest lecture on “Design and Analysis of suitability of Converter and Motors for Electric Vehicle” in the AICTE Sponsored Six days online STTP organized by Dept. of EIE, RMK Engineering College, Chennai on 07-12-2020.
- Presented guest lecture on “Design Aspects of EV & Charge Controllers” in the AICTE-ATAL Sponsored Six days online STTP organized by Dept. of EEE, KPRIET, Coimbatore on 23-2-2021
- Presented guest lecture on “BMS and Charge Controllers for Solar Powered EVs” in the AICTE Sponsored one week online STTP organized by Dept. of EEE, Shri Sakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 19-3-2021
- Presented guest lecture on “Magnetic field intensity and flux density” in the Anna University sponsored one week online FDP organized by Dept. of EEE, KPRIET, Coimbatore on 17-6-2021
- Presented guest lecture on “AC-DC Power Converters: Performance Analysis” in the Anna University sponsored one week online FDP organized by Dept. of EEE, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 22-6-2021
- Presented guest lecture on “Impact Analysis in the grid with the penetration of EVs” in the AICTE sponsored two week FDP organized by Dept. of EEE, KPRIET, Coimbatore on 29-07-2021
- Presented guest lecture on “Solar Photo Voltaic Power Generation and Applications” in the National level webinar organized by Dept. of IT, GVN College, Kovilpatti on 04-9-2021
- Presented guest lecture on “Resonance in Electric Circuits” in the Anna University sponsored one week online FDTP organized by Dept. of EEE, GCT, Coimbatore on 06-1-2022
- Presented lecture for GATE-22- Coaching Class at HICET Coimbatore on 08,19& 20-1-2022
- Presented guest lecture on “Grid Integration of Distributed Generation Systems: Challenges and Solutions” in the two-day workshop organized by Dept. of EEE, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi on 27-05-2022
- Presented guest lecture on “Simulation of Power Converters” in the five day online FDP on "MATLAB for Electrical Engineering" organized by Dept. of EEE, ACGCET Karaikudi sponsored by Faculty Training Centre, GCT, Coimbatore on 01-8-2022
- Presented guest lecture on “Electric Vehicle: Development, Integration and Challenges” in the five day on line TN government sponsored FDP on “Design and Development of Electric Vehicle: Research Challenges and Opportunities” jointly organized by Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT, and Faculty Development and Training Centre Coimbatore from 17-10-2022 to 21-10-2022 on 19-10-2022
- Presented guest lecture on “ Components of EV and its selection” in the one week NaMPET sponsored Short Term Course on Power Converters for Power Industries 4.0 organized by Dept. of Electrical Engg. GCT, Coimbatore from 04-12-2023 to 08-12-2023 on 04-12-2023
- Presented guest lecture on “Power Electronic Converters for EV Battery Charging & Isolated and Non Isolated converters for EV battery Charging” in the six day Anna University sponsored FDTP organized by Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engg. PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore from 22-07-2024 to 27-07-2024 on 23-07-2024
- Presented guest lecture on “Design Perspectives of DC-DC Converters for Electric Vehicle” in the five day TN government sponsored FDTP on “EV Challenges and Opportunities” jointly organized by Dept. of EEE, ACGCET, Karaikudi and Faculty Development and Training Centre Coimbatore from 22-07-2024 to 26-07-2024 on 25-07-2024
- Presented guest lecture on “Power Electronic Converter and motor for EV”” in the two week TN government sponsored FDTP on “Innovative Technology in Automotive Industry with Electric Vehicle” jointly organized by Dept. of Mechanical Engg, GCE, Sengipatti, Thanjavur and Faculty Development and Training Centre Coimbatore from 18-09-2024 to 29-09-2024 on 26-09-2024
- Chair person for a session in the National conference at GCE, Tirunelveli.
- Chair person for paper presentation in Sri Eshwar College of Engineering,Kinathukadavu, Coimbatore.
- Chair person for paper presentation in Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore.
- Chair person for paper presentation session in the international conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology (IRET 2013) organized by Park College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
- Chair person for paper presentation session in the international conference on computer, communication and informatics (ICCCI 2013) organized by Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore.
- Chair person for paper presentation session in the international conference on Electrical Electronics and Communication networks organized by Adithya Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 22.02.2013.
- Chair person for paper presentation in Technical Symposium (TECH TRENDS 2013) of Sri Eswar College of Engineering, Kinathukadavu, Coimbatore.
- Chair person for paper presentation session in the IEEE International Conference on “Green Computing, Communication and Electrical Engineering,” organized by Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 07-08 March 2014.
- Chair person for paper presentation session in the DRDO sponsored second International Conference on “Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and computer communication-E2IC2 2015” organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 18-12-2015
- Chair person for paper presentation in Technical Symposium (REWOP-16) organized by Department of EEE, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Coimbatore on 18-3-2016
- Chair person for the international. conference I-STEM-18 organised by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 11th June-2018
- Chair person for the international conference organized by PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 05-01-2019.
- Chair person & reviewer for the international IEEE conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICAECA2021) organized by Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on 08-10-2021.
- Chair person for the “National Conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems(NCEIS’22)”, organized by department of EEE and EIE, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore 28-04-2022.
Chair person for the “National Conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems(NCEIS’24)”, organized by department of EEE , Government College of Technology, Coimbatore 07-06-2024.
- BOS member for PSR Engineering College, Sivakasi
- BOS member for Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore
- BOS member for Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
- Member of Editorial board for Journals published by IRA Publications-
- Reviewer for reputed journals like IET, Elsevier etc
- DC Member for research scholars of Anna University, Chennai and Karunya University Coimbatore.
- Squad member for Anna university examinations
- Subject expert for Government recruitment and self financing colleges.
- Subject expert for Anna university, Chennai Ph.D. Viva voce examinations
- Inspection Committee member for Anna University Affiliation process
- State government nominee for the BOG meeting of RVS Technical campus, Coimbatore.
- Auditor for mock audit for NBA conducted in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Govt. Engineering College, Jagdalpur, Chhattishgarhon03-10-2019 and 04-10-2019
- TN skill development Corporation-District level Competition-Assessor on 22-1-20-and 29-1-20 at PSG College of Tech, Coimbatore
- Served as Resource person for AICTE sponsored FDPs organised by various engineering institutions.
- Expert for department advisory committee of EEE department of AAA college of Engineering and Technology, Sivakasi.Result passing board academic expert for Dr.NGP Institute of Technology, Coimbatore from January-2023
BOS member for Shree Venkateshwara Hitech Engineering College, Gobichettipalayam from the Academic years 2023-2025
Expert member of Department Advisory Council-EEE Dept, SRM Madurai College of Engineering and Technology, Sivagangai from 2023-2026
BOS Anna University Nominee for JKK Munirajah College of Technology, Gobichetti palayam Erode for two years from May-2024
BOS member for Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore from June-2024
BOS -Anna University Nominee for EEE, SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore for three years from 26-06-2024.
BOS Anna University Nominee for EEE, Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode for three years from 28-06-2024
- Deputy warden from 2009 onwards
- Assistant Controller of Examinations from 06-02-2012 to 31-03-2015
- Faculty advisor from June 2008
- Financial & Procurement Nodal officer for TEQIP II –EEE-Centre of Excellence on“Alternate Energy Research”(EEE-CoE-AER)
- Anti ragging Committee member in GCT Coimbatore.
- Department Time-Table officer from 2017
- Department coordinator for Entrepreneur Development Cell (EDC)
Expert for AICTE Approval Process -2024-25 for scrutiny and Evaluation committee
Ph.D. GUIDANCE: 11 Scholars under Anna University, Chennai.
(1 Full Time+ 2 Part Time)
Completed: 08
- Power Electronics converters design and Control Techniques
- Electrical Drives and Control
- Renewable Energy Systems
- Soft Computing Techniques
- Advanced Control techniques in Electrical Engineering
- Power Electronic Applications to Power Systems
- Power Quality
- Electric Vehicle design and analysis
- Energy Storage Technologies
- Received Academic excellence award for receiving Ph.D. Degree from Anna University Chennai during the academic year 2011-2012 in the Academic Award Ceremony conducted by GCT on 5th September 2012.
- Received Academic excellence award for having published papers in the referred journals during the academic year 2011-2012 in the Academic Award Ceremony conducted by GCT on 5th September 2012.
- Received Academic excellence award for having authored and published book during the academic year 2012-2013 in the Academic Award Ceremony conducted by GCT on 12th September 2013.
- Received Academic excellence award forhaving published four research papers in the reputed journals during the academic year 2014-2015 in the Academic Award Ceremony conducted by GCT on 04th September 2015
- Received Academic Excellence Award for having published one research paper in the reputed journals during the academic year 2015-2016 in the Academic Award Ceremony conducted by GCT on 07th September 2016
- Received BEST PAPER AWARD in the conference, “8th Industrial Automation and Electromechanical Engineering Conference (IEEE-IEMECON-2017)” organized by IEEE Thailand section held at Bangkok, Thailand during 16th to 18th August-2017 for the research paper titled, “PWM Technique for three phase transformer less grid connected photo voltaic Inverter”
- Best Senior Faculty award from DK International Research Foundation, Perambalur on 27th May-2018
- Received Academic Excellence Award for having published three research papers in the reputed journals during the academic year 2017-2018 in the Academic Award Ceremony conducted by GCT on 05th October 2018
- Received Academic excellence award for having authored and published book during the academic year 2017-2018 in the Academic Award Ceremony conducted by GCT on 05th October 2018.
- Received Academic Excellence Award for having produced one doctorate during the academic year 2017-2018 in the Academic Award Ceremony conducted by GCT on 05th October 2018
- Received Academic Excellence Award for having published eight research papers in the reputed journals during the academic year 2018-2019 in the Academic Award Ceremony conducted by GCT on 11th October 2019