Earned Degree/Diploma
Current Designation
Associate Professor
Electrical & Electronics Engg
Contact Phone Number
Email (Official Preferred)
Publications in Journals:
- M. Vivekanandhan, Dr.S.Chitra, “PSO based Solar PV system for SVPWM Controlled Induction Motor for Agricultural Applications” Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation (ISSN: 2582-3051), March 2023, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 93-108.
- A.Sumithara, Dr.S.Chitra, " Development of Large-Scale Green Energy Sources with Grid Integration: Practices and Challenges”, Journal of Electronics and Informatics (ISSN: 2582-3825), March 2023, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp 75-85.
- G.Uma shankar, Dr.S.Chitra, “ Hardware implementation of Smart Power Protection unit for Power Distribution System” Journal of Ubiquitous computing and communication technologies, 4(1), pp.9-15, 2022.
- S.Vijay, Dr.S.Chitra, “ Design of modified LUO converter for electric vehicle battery charger” Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation (ISSN: 2582-3051), 4(1), pp 32-40, March 2022.
- N.Arulmozhi, Dr.S.Chitra, “Control Approaches through Time Weighted Error and Gain Margin tuning for Unstable Systems” Journal of Innovative Image Processing (ISSN: 2582-4252) March 2022, Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 34-42 34
- A.Sumithara, Dr.S.Chitra, “Simulation of Standalone Hybrid Solar Battery Fed Water Pumping System”, Journal of Electronics and Informatics (ISSN: 2582-3825), March 2022, Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 32-41.
- Balaji V R, Dr.S.Chitra, “Power quality management in electrical rid using SCANN controller-based UPQC”, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Technical sciences, Vol. 70(1), 2022,
- V Kalvinathan, S Chitra, "Power Optimization in Hybrid Renewable Energy Standalone System using SMC-ANFIS", Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol.22, no. 3, pp.69-78, Aug. 2022, doi:10.4316/AECE.2022.03008, ISSN: 1582-7445.
- Harini M, Dr.S.Chitra, “Distributed Adaptive Virtual Impedance for Reactive Power Sharing in Microgrid”, International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, 6(8): 135-140, 2020 ISSN: 2455-3778.
- V Nanthagopal, Dr.S.Chitra, “Power Quality Improvement Using Three-Phase Solar PV Integrated UPQC”, International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN: 2455-3778, 6(7), July 2020, pp. 153 -158.
- Pradeep Shankar, Dr.S.Chitra, “PV System Fed Closed Loop Control of Switched Reluctance Motor using Zeta Converter”, International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, 6(8): 125-128, 2020, ISSN: 2455-3778.
- T. Geetha, Chitra S, “Power factor improvement and torque ripple reduction in BLDC motor “, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, Volume 5, Issue 1 , pp 69-72, 2019.
- T. Geetha, Chitra S, “Coordination Control Of Microgrid Using Sliding ModeController”, International Research Journal Of MultidisciplinaryTechnovation, Volume 1, Issue 3 , pp 57-64, May 2019.
- D.Sandhiya, Chitra S, “Load Forecasting Model For Energy Management System Using Elman Neural Network “, International Research Journal Of MultidisciplinaryTechnovation, Volume 1, Issue 3 , pp 48-56, May 2019.
- D.Sandhiya, Chitra S, “Energy Management In Microgrid Using Modified Gravitational Search Algorithm “, Iconic Research And Engineering Journals, Volume 2, Issue 10 , pp 265- 273, 2019.
- N.Dhanusri, S.Chitra, N.Devarajan, “Solar Energy Based Fuzzy Logic Controller for Voltage Sag Compensation”, World Journal of Technology, Engineering and Research, Volume 3, Issue 1 pp 330-337, 2018.
- J.Kavinilavu, S.Chitra, N.Devarajan, “Design and Implementation of IOT Based Remote Monitoring and Controlling System”, World Journal of Technology, Engineering and Research, Volume 3, Issue 1 pp 282-292, 2018.
- T.Suruthimadevini, S.Chitra, “Adaptive Droop DC Bus Voltage Controller for a Grid Connected T-Source Inverter”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 5, pp 7705-7710, 2016.
- S.Chitra, N.Devarajan, “Circuit Theory Approach for Voltage Stability Assessment of Reconfigured Power Network”, IET-Circuits, Devices and Systems, UK, March 2014, Volume 8, Issue 6, November 2014, pp. 435 – 441.
- S.Chitra, N.Devarajan, “Optimal Power Flow Control of Power Transmission Networks using Graph Algorithms”, Journal of Vibration and Control, USA, March 2014, DOI: 1077546314522086, vol.21(16), pp.3320-3327.
- S.Chitra, N.Devarajan, “Performance Analysis of Loop Frame of Reference over Bus Frame of Reference” Journal of Academia and Industrial Research (JAIR), ISSN: 2278-5213, Vol.2, Issue 11, April 2014, pp 613 – 616.
- S.Chitra, N.Devarajan, A.Kavinraj, “A Graph Theory Based Approach for Voltage Sag Assessment in Distribution Network”, International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology (IJAIST), ISSN: 2319:2682, Vol. 23, No.23, March 2014, pp. 19-26.
Papers Published in the Proceedings of International/National Conferences
- Chitra, S., Payani, M. and Dr.Devarajan, N. “Comparison of Load Flow Methods using ETAP -7.0”, National Conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 22nd March 2012.
- M.Payani, S.Chitra, Dr.N.Devarajan, “Differential Evolution approach for optimal power flow solution” – National Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICS 2012) conducted by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Info Institute of Engineering, Coimbatore-7 on 8th & 9th March 2012.
- Barath Kumar, T., Chitra, S. and Dr.Devarajan, N. “Voltage Stability Assessment of Reconfigured Radial Power Network”, National Conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 13th April 2013.
- Nisha, P., Chitra, S. and Dr. Devarajan, N. “Power Flow Control in Transmission Line using Distributed Power Flow Controller”, National Conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems, Department of Electrical Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 13th April 2013.
- Chitra, S., Dr. Devarajan, N. and Kavinraj, A. “A Graph Theory Based Approach for Voltage Sag Assessment in Distribution Network”, National Conference on Innovative Developments in Engineering and Automation, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, 21st March 2014.
- Chitra, S., Dr. Devarajan, N. and Umamaheswari.A. “Solar powered dynamic voltage restorer for fault current interruption”, National Conference on Innovative Developments in Engineering and Automation, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, 21st March 2014.
- Aravind, G., Chitra, S. and Dr.Devarajan, N. “Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Fault Current Iinterruption using Solar Power”, National Conference on Innovations in Electrical, Electronics and Control Systems, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, 15th March 2014.
- Chitra, S. and Dr. Devarajan, N. “Application of Loop Frame of Reference in Fault Analysis”, National Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Systems, Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, 1st March 2014.
- Chitra, S., Dr. Devarajan, N. and Kavinraj, A. “A Novel Approach for Voltage Sag in Distribution Network using Graph Theory”, National Conference on Issues and Trends in Advanced Computing, Department of Computer Applications, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, 14-15th March 2014.
- C.Domnic, S.Chitra, Dr.N.Devarajan “Optimal Size and Location of Distributed Generators for Loss Reduction in Distribution System”, International Conference on Information, Computations and Communications , Kalaignar Karunanidhi College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, 27th March 2015
- B.Aravind, S.Chitra, Dr.N.Devarajan, “Multi-objective based congestion management by generation rescheduling and load shedding using water evaporation optimization”, National Conference on Alternate Energy Technologies, NCAET 2017, at GCT, Coimbatore on 24th March 2017.
- K.Kalaivanan, S.Chitra, Dr.N.Devarajan, “Multi-machine Power System Stability Enhancement using PSS and FACTs Controllers”, National Conference on Alternate Energy Technologies, NCAET 2017, at GCT, Coimbatore on 24th March 2017.
- S.Anu, S.Chitra, Dr.N.Devarajan, “State Estimation of Power Networks through Optimal Placement of Phasor Measurement Unit”, National Conference on Alternate Energy Technologies, NCAET 2017, at GCT, Coimbatore on 24th March 2017.
- N.Dhanusri, S.Chitra, Dr.N.Devarajan, “Fault detection and isolation in DC microgrid using least square method”, National Conference on Alternate Energy Technologies, NCAET 2018, at GCT, Coimbatore on 27th April 2018.
- J.Kavinilavu, S.Chitra, Dr.N.Devarajan, “Anti Islanding Detection Algorithm for Grid tied Photovoltaic systems with Modified DG Interface Controller”, National Conference on Alternate Energy Technologies, NCAET 2018, at GCT, Coimbatore on 27th April 2018.
- D.Sandhiya, S.Chitra, “Energy management in microgrid using modified gravitational search algorithm”, National Conference on Communication, Computation, Control and Automation CCCA 2019 conducted by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 20th March 2019
- G.Uma shankar, Dr.S.Chitra, “ Hardware implementation of Smart Power Protection unit for Power Distribution System” Proceedings of NCEIS’22 conducted by EEE & EIE departments of GCT, CBE on 28th April 2022.
- S.Vijay, Dr.S.Chitra, “ Design of modified LUO converter for electric vehicle battery charger” Proceedings of NCEIS’22 conducted by EEE & EIE departments of GCT, CBE on 28th April 2022.
- A.Sumithara, Dr.S.Chitra, “Simulation of Standalone Hybrid Solar Battery Fed Water Pumping System”, Proceedings of NCEIS’22 conducted by EEE & EIE departments of GCT, CBE on 28th April 2022.
- M. Vivekanandhan, Dr.S.Chitra, “PSO based Solar PV system for SVPWM Controlled Induction Motor for Agricultural Applications” Proceedings of NCEIS’23 conducted by EEE department of GCT, CBE on 27th April 2023.
- Area of Specialization - Power System Engineering
- No. of guiding PhD scholars - 2
- Deputy Warden in First year girls hostel / Manimuthaaru illam (From 13.7.2014 to 31.7.2024)
- Anti-ragging committee member - GCT
- IQAC member - GCT
- Department Library Incharge
- EMP cell - Department co-ordinator
- Department Internship co-ordinator
- Deparment Treasurer
Responsibilities during January to December 2021
Duties Alloted in the Department:
- Faculty advisor for Full- Time Final year BE –EEE (2020-2024 Batch) students.
- Project review committee member for ME- PSE and PED students.
- Guiding UG & PG Students for their Project works.
- Supervising Full-time and Part-time PhD scholars.
- Handling Theory and Practical classes for BE- EEE and IBT courses.
- Handling Theory classes for ME – PSE students.
- Applied two UG project proposals for funding in Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST) .
- Guided first year ME –PSE and PED students for mini projects.
- Guided third year BE –EEE students for mini projects.
- Mentoring second, third and final year EEE students.
- Prepared and uploaded the PSE Branch details in College website towards NBA.
- Faculty in-charge for ARIIA 2021 data collection.
- Participated in the purchase and demo of motor testing setup in the department.
- Consultancy work carried out for Mettupalayam genset.
- Conducted Internal audit and submitted reports for the following PG branches for the past one year:
*Environmental Engineering
*Structural Engineering and
- Member in Department consultative committee for credit transfer.
- Verification officer for first year Part-time BE-EEE admission for the academic year 2021-2022.
Duties Alloted in the College:
- AICTE Cell Department Co-ordinator.
- College Anti-ragging Cell member.
- Research Development Cell Department Co-ordinator.
- NPTEL Department Co-ordinator.
- Quality Improvement Cell (QIC) Department co-ordinator.
- GCT SWAYAM courses Department Co-ordinator.
- Environment Management Programme (EMP) Department Co-ordinator.
- Verification officer for Tamil Nadu MBA/MCA online counseling.
- Updation officer in Tamilnadu Engineering Admission 2021.
- Autonomous exam invigilator and evaluator.
- Question paper setter and examiner in GCT autonomous examinations.
- Invigilator in the State and Central Government Exams.
- Deputy Warden to First year BE / BTech Ladies Hostel (Manimuthaaru Illam).
Duties outside the College:
- Acting as PhD programme research Supervisor for five scholars under Anna University, Chennai and DC member to four scholars in Anna university Regional Centre, Coimbatore and DC member to two scholars in Karunya University, Coimbatore.
- Question paper setter in various institutions like Anna University, Chennai, ACCET, Karaikudi, Government College of Engineering, Burgur, PA College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore etc.,
Guest Lecture Delivered:
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Energy Auditing and Management” in the FDP conducted by Kalaignar Karunanithi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 24.5.2021 (Two sessions) through online mode.
Papers Published:
- Sebasthi Rani K, Chitra S and Sriram Karthik M, “Impact Analysis and Harmonic Mitigation In the Grid with Penetration of Electric Vehicles”, Journal of Chengdu University of Technology, VOLUME 26, ISSN-NO- 1671-9727, ISSUE 9, 2021.
- Courses Attended
Sl.No. | Title | Duration | Conducted by | Resource person / Certificate |
1 | TEQIP III sponsored webinar on "Women Empowerment through Legal Protection" | 22.02.2021 | Women Empowerment Cell, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore | |
2 | Webinar on “Various Technologies for Solar Panel Monitoring and Maintenance” | 18.06.2021 | Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hindusthan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. | |
3 | Webinar on “Methods and Avenues for Sponsored Research and Technical Collaborations” | 31.08.2021 | Internal Quality Assurance Cell - Research Innovations and Extension Team, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore held through Online Mode. | |
4 | Webinar on “Design and Implementation of Curriculum as per National Education Policy 2020” | 29.09.2021 & 01.10.2021 | Internal Quality Assurance Cell –Teaching Learning and Evaluation, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore held through Online Mode. |
Responsibilities during January to December 2022
Duties Alloted in the Department:
- Faculty In-charge of Department Library.
- Faculty In-charge of Department Website updation.
- One of the Faculty In-charges of Condemned list preparation.
- Faculty In-charge of collecting and submitting fund for Communal Harmony.
- Verification officer for the Part-Time BE admission on 7.9.2022.
- Faculty advisor for Full- Time BE –EEE (2020-2024 Batch) students.
- Co-ordinating the conduction and evaluation of Naan Muthalvan courses to Third year EEE students.
- Arranged for ADHOC BOS meeting for transferred student.
- Attended the Chief Minister’s mass anti-drug pledge progrmme on 11.8.2022 conducted in Alumni Auditorium.
- Arranged third year EEE students for BLS Asian Book of Record event on 10.9.2022.
- Prepared component 5.1 to 5.5 for UG NBA.
- Prepared Files 16, 17, 18 and 20 for PG- PSE and UG NBA.
- Project review committee member for ME- PSE and PED students.
- Guiding UG & PG Students for their Project works.
- Supervising Full-time and Part-time PhD scholars.
- Handled Theory and Practical classes for BE- EEE and IBT branches.
- Handled Theory classes for ME – PSE students.
- Guided first year ME –PSE and PED students for mini projects.
- Guided third year BE –EEE students for mini projects.
- Mentoring second year EEE students.
- Collected and uploaded the Department details in College website.
- Performed Consultancy work for Mettupalayam STP Genset.
- Member of BoS in the department in preparing subjects for 2022 Regulation.
- Innovation Training Cell department Co-ordinator.
- Co-ordinating the preparation of lab manuals for the practical subjects handled in the department.
- Followed the procedure in buying Fire Extinguishers for All labs of EEE department. Received and located in EEE labs on 21.1.2022 from IBT department.
- Visited the Industry MAS solar system towards the Tamil Nādu Government sponsored internship program conducted to final year students on 2.8.2022..
- Participated in the Orientation Programme conducted for all the UG First year students as per AICTE norms on 14.11.2022.
- Prepared documents for Anna University Affiliated Institutions and submitted on 17.11.2022.
Duties Alloted in the College:
- Verification officer in the TNEA admission 2022.
- Acted as Subject expert for Polytechnic CAS.
- Environment Management Programme (EMP) Department Co-Ordinator.
- College Anti-ragging Squad member.
- College IQAC member for weaker section.
- Autonomous exam invigilator and evaluator.
- Question paper setter and examiner in GCT autonomous examinations.
- Invigilator in the State and Central Government Exams.
- Deputy Warden to First year BE / BTech Ladies Hostel (Manimuthaaru Illam).
Duties outside the College:
- Acting as PhD programme research Supervisor for five scholars under Anna University, Chennai and DC member to four scholars in Anna university Regional Centre, Coimbatore and DC member to two scholars in Karunya University, Coimbatore.
- Question paper setter in various institutions like Anna University, Chennai, ACCET, Karaikudi, Government College of Engineering, Burgur, PA College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore etc.,
- Attended DC meeting to the PhD Scholar Femy. F.H under the Supervisor Dr.J.Jayakumar, Prof./EEE, Karunya University through online mode on 20.5.2022.
Programmes Organized:
- Organized online events for IQAC Women Empowerment Cell to under the theme “Media news on Sexual harassment – Observe, Explain and Provide Solution on 1st and 2nd March 2022.
- Co-ordinator and session chairperson in conducting National Conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems – 2022 (NCEIS’22) in collaboration with BOSCH and IRO Journal conducted by EEE & EIE departments on 28th April 2022.
- Co-ordinated the Seminar on “Efficient Control Panel Layout Design using AutoCAD Electrical & PLC/SCADA - Industrial Applications” conducted for third year EEE students by M/s. Live Wire, Division of CAD Centre, Coimbatore on 20.9.2022 at EEE seminar hall, 2.00 to 4.00pm.
Programmes Attended:
Attended seminar on “Preparation for NBA and NAAC” on 19.11.2022 at 10.00am in CSE seminar hall.
Guest Lecture Delivered:
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Smart Power System” FDP conducted by Meenakshi Sundararajan Engineering College, Chennai on 4.3.2022 (Two sessions) through online mode.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Power System Stability” in the Anna University sponsored FDP conducted by Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore on 15.7.2022 (Two sessions) through online mode.
- Delivered Guest Lecture on “Power System Problems and Solutions using MATLAB/MATPOWER” in the Tamilnadu Government sponsored FDP conducted by ACGCET, Karaikudi with FDTC, GCT Coimbatore on 3.8.2022 (Two sessions) through online mode.
Courses Attended:
- Attended Five Day Online FDP “DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES: RESEARCH CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES” Conducted by department of EEE, GCT, CBE with FDTC from 17th to 21st October 2022.
Responsibilities during January to December 2023
Duties Alloted in the Department:
- Faculty In-charge of Department Library.
- Faculty In-charge of Department Website updation.
- One of the Faculty In-charges of Condemned list preparation.
- Verification officer for the Part-Time BE admission on 7.9.2022.
- Faculty advisor for Full- Time BE –EEE (2020-2024 Batch) students.
- Co-ordinating the conduction and evaluation of Naan Muthalvan courses to Third year EEE students.
- Prepared component 5.1 to 5.5 for UG NBA.
- Prepared criteria 2, 5 and 6 NAAC.
- Prepared Files 16, 17, 18 and 20 for PG- PSE and UG NBA.
- Updated Files 10, 11,12, 15,16 17 and 18 for UG NBA.
- Project review committee member for ME- PSE students.
- Guiding UG & PG Students for their Project works.
- Supervising Full-time and Part-time PhD scholars.
- Handled Theory classes for ME – PSE students.
- Mentoring second year EEE students.
- Collected and uploaded the Department details in College website.
- Prepared lab manuals for the practical subjects handled in the department.
- Expert panel member in the Adhoc faculty members selection interview on 23.6.2023
Duties Alloted in the College:
- Supporting officer in the TNEA admission 2023.
- College Anti-ragging Squad member.
- College IQAC member for weaker section.
- Autonomous exam invigilator and evaluator.
- Question paper setter and examiner in GCT autonomous examinations.
- Invigilator in the State and Central Government Exams.
- Deputy Warden to First year BE / BTech Ladies Hostel (Manimuthaaru Illam).
- Conducted Internal audit and submitted reports for the following PG branches for the past one year:
*Environmental Engineering
*Structural Engineering and
Duties outside the College:
- Acting as PhD programme research Supervisor for five scholars under Anna University, Chennai and DC member to four scholars in Anna university Regional Centre, Coimbatore and DC member to two scholars in Karunya University, Coimbatore.
- Question paper setter in various institutions like Anna University, Chennai, ACCET, Karaikudi, Government College of Engineering, Burgur, PA College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore etc.,
- External Academic Auditor to JCT College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 10.5.2023.
- External Examiner to Mini Project Viva-voce Examination held at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 19.6.2023.
Programmes Organized:
- Co-ordinator in conducting National Conference on Electrical and Instrumentation Systems – 2023 (NCEIS’23) conducted by EEE department on 27th April 2023.
Academic Responsibility and Role
Faculty advisor for Full-time 2010 to 2014 batch, Full-time 2013 to 2017 batch, Part-time 2017 to 2020 and Full-time 2020 to 2024 Batch