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About the Department -it


We the department of Information Technology was started in 2001 to inculcate academic excellence in which new ideas, research and scholarship flourish to lead the innovations of IT industries. The Information Technology is one of the most emerging programme in GCT. The four year under graduate programme in Information Technology is intended to train the students in both basic courses and advanced courses based on current technology. We have a team of highly qualified and dedicated teaching faculty well supported by a group of Technical support staff keeping campus integrated as knowledge base for the department.

Our future entrepreneurs, scientists, executives, techies are nourished and motivated with creative approach. We have an excellent infrastructure to facilitate our students. Department management periodically upgrade to the latest software and hardware to keep them in pace for the betterment of the students.

The necessary licensed software and internet facilities are available for all students. Besides imparting theoretical knowledge, the programme inculcates personality development skills, logical reasoning, analytical thinking, communication skills, problem solving skills and teamwork capabilities.